2.06.006_Resident Discount CardsPolicy #: 2.06.006
Type: CM Admin.
ti I, V' Effective Date: 1995
s V`- Former Policy #: 913.05
TO: Joseph Netter, City Mana
FROM: Pekkain, Director o Recreation
y Miller, Recreation Supervisor
DATE: 11/15/95
SUBJECT: Resident Discount Cards
CC: Maya van den Heuvel, Program Specialist
Jan Geffre, Department Secretary
After much deliberation, we have created what we think will be a solution to the problem
of overburdening the Sports Center Staff with the 2500 Resident Discount Cards that will
be sold each year. We would like to offer the cards at both the Sports Center and the
Community Center. The community Center is staffed with a minimum of two persons at
all hours. This would provide ample clerical support to create the cards during the
working hours. The Sports Center is only staffed with one person at the front counter for
the majority of the day. Offering the cards at the Community Center would relieve the
burden of the Sports Center having to sell all the cards. After the Community Center
closes for the day, the Sports Center would sell the cards the rest of the evening.
Additional part-time help would be required at the Sports Center during the busy evening
hours. In order to make this program work we need the following materials and
• I.D. photo camera and supplies from City Hall.
• Updated copies of the city's utility billing records.
• Updated copies of Rohnert Park Business License records.
• Approximately 20 hours of part-time labor to help at the Sports Center in the evening.
This extra help would be needed from January - April and should have an account
number outside of Recreation in which to charge their time.
• A new register key programmed on the Community Center's cash register for cards.
With these items we will be able to sell the cards starting December 1, 1995. The 1996
cards are slated to be ready by December 18th and will be sold at both locations.
The hours for Resident Card sales will be as follows:
Sports Center: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Community Center: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
A press release will be sent to the Community Voice notifying them of the new locations
as soon as this proposal is approved. Additional notice will be sent in the utility billing the
first week of January.
I feel this is a good solution. It will not only be less of a burden on the staff, but will allow
greater access for the citizens to purchase their cards.
TO: Jim Pekkain, FROM: J seph Netter,
Recreation Director City Manager
RE: Resident Cards for Sports Center DATE: January 27, 1994
Dear Jim:
The City Council, at its meeting of January 25, 1994, agreed with
staff's recommendation to institute a Resident Discount Card for
basketball and open gym. This card is currently being used as
the golf course resident card.
Therefore, effective immediately, please issue resident cards to
those resident basketball/open gym players who show proof of
residency by either a drivers license, PG&E bill, or a telephone
bill. The resident cards would allow for a $1.00 discount for
basketball/open gym play. Hence, the resident rate would be
$2.00 and the non-resident rate would be $3.00.
In addition, it is suggested that signs be posted near the
cashier's desk indicating that any individual harrassing the
Sports Center staff or using vulgar or abusive language will be
prohibited from using the Sports Center. You are also to notify
staff that they are free to call in Public Safety to help enforce
this policy.
If you have any questions regarding these matters, please give me
a call.
cc: Mike Harrow, Finance Director
Guy Miller, Recreation Supervisor
cc: Guy Miller, Mike Harrow
Attached is a copy of Guy's memo with two suggested solutions to
deal with the current open gym problem, of dealing with players
aggressively harassing the gym staff over showing proof of
Your suggestion of recording the residents being charged the
$3.00 rate and then giving them a credit at the end of the year
is not feasible. This would only create additional stress and
anguish to the gym staff plus the hazzle of record keeping.
I recommend your support of Guy's second solution. That is,
using the same Resident Discount Card for golf. The use of the
I.D. card would give the user a $1.00 discount. We would charge
a $3.00 fee to everyone unless they showed the I.D. card. After
eight uses the user would have paid for the I.D. card. Only the
Resident Discount Card will be accepted as proof of residency.
The Sport Center staff can take the pictures and issue the card.
This would not place any additional work on city hall staff.
Your earliest response to this solution is requested. Since the
I.D. cards are good only for the year we would like to implement
the program by January 31st.
Interoffice Memo:
Date: 1/10/94
To: Jim Pekkain, Director of Recreation
From: Guy Miller, Recreation Supervisor
Re: Non -Resident Proof for open gym
As I had mentioned earlier, we are having an escalating problem trying to secure proof of
residency from our open gym participants. The problem is two fold. One, the non-residents
hassle the staff each time we ask for I.D. because they want the resident rate. The second
problem lies with the residents who don't want the bother to repeatedly have to show their I.D.
each time they come in. The Sports Center staff has been very consistent in asking for LD.'s
but the problem is getting out of hand. The animosity directed at our staff is often loud and
threatening. Several staff member have expressed a concern over their safety. It is not
uncommon to hear very loud four letter words and threats directed at our staff at the front
We have two solutions to the problem. The first would be the easiest for our staff but
might cause some consternation among the residents who have no problem following the rules.
Changing the open gym rate to a flat $2.50 across for residents and non-residents alike would
eliminate the problem entirely. With this change there would be no need to ask for any proof
of residency at all. The non-resident rate would be reduced by .50 and the resident rate would
increase by the same amount. We do not have a resident/non-resident rate for any other in-
house drop-in program offered by the department (ie. pool admission, racquetball fees etc.) so
this would make us more consistent. There would most likely be some grumbling from the
residents who have no problem showing us their I.D. and would now have to pay an extra .50
but any complaints would disappear quickly.
The other solution is more complicated. A Resident Discount Card much like the one used
for the golf course could be created for the Sports Center. (the actual golf course card could be
used). This would require residents to purchase the Discount Card in order to get the $1.00 off.
This would make a difference because the users would have to have purchased the card in
order to get the discount. No other I.D. would be accepted. The cards could be the same as the
golf card and serve as a universal "city wide discount card". The cards could be made by the
sports center staff and would be a source of additional income for the city. Once again there
might be some grumbling from the residents who would now have to pay to get their discount
(as there was for the golf card) but they would get used to it. If this option is selected we
would have to institute it immediately since January and the cards would expire each calendar
As I stated, either solution would work. Please advise.