RPDPS Engineer Task BookRohnert Park
Department of Public
Engineer Task Book
Required Training in Accordance with RPDPS and State of California Department of Motor
Vehicles Standards
• Driver Operator 1A
• Driver Operator 1B
• 20 Hours of Drive Time
Apparatus Inspection and Preventive Maintenance: In Accordance with NFPA Standard(s):
1002, 2009 Edition; 4.2/4.3 Preventive Maintenance / Driving Operating; 4.2.1 / 4.2.2 /4.3.7,
The Driver Operator Shall:
Shown how to dentify inspection, preventive maintenance forms
and manufacture specifications, so that the operational status of
the vehicle is verified.
1. Daily Check Form
2. Weekly/Monthly Check Forms
3. Repair Request
Shown how to perform routine tests, inspections, and services on
the components and systems specified in the following list.
1. Battery (ies)
2. Braking systems
3. Coolant system
4. Electrical system
5. Fuel
6. Hydraulic fluids
7. Oil
8. Tires
9. Steering system
10. Belts
11. Tools, appliances, and equipment
Demonstrate the ability to use basic tools to recognize system
problems, and correct any deficiency according to policies and
Demonstrate the use of the Bendix King portable radios
Demonstrate the use of the Mobile Data Computer
Identify and demonstrate the use of the Knox Keys
Driving Operating: In accordance with NFPA Standard(s)1002, 2009 Edition; 4.3, 4.3.1 The
Driver/Operator shall:
Demonstrate the ability to operate a fire department vehicle,
given a predetermined route on a public way that incorporates
the maneuvers and features specified as follows:
Four left turns and four right turns
A straight section of urban business street or a two-lane
rural road at least 1 mile in length.
One through intersection and two intersections where a
stop has to be made
One Railroad Crossing
One curve, either left or right
A section of limited-access highway that includes a
conventional ramp entrance and exit and a section of a
road long enough to allow two lane changes
A downgrade steep enough and long enough to require
downshifting and braking
An upgrade steep enough and long enough to require
gear changing to maintain speed
One underpass or low clearance bridge
Identify the effects on vehicle control list below
Liquid surge
Braking reaction time
Load factors
Effects of high center gravity
General steering reaction
Centrifugal force
Demonstrate the ability to maintain control of the fire apparatus
while accelerating, decelerating, and turning in traffic conditions,
and under adverse environmental conditions.
Demonstrate backing a fire apparatus from a roadway into
restricted space on both the right and left sides of the vehicle.
(Alley dock exercise)
Identify vehicle dimensions, turning characteristics, spotter
signaling, and principles of safe vehicle operation
Demonstrate the use of mirrors by maneuvering a fire apparatus
around obstructions on a roadway while moving forward and in
reverse without stopping to change the direction of travel and
without striking the obstructions. (Serpentine exercise)
Demonstrate turning the fire apparatus 180 degrees within a
confined space and in area in which the vehicle cannot perform a
U-turn (confined space turnaround)
Demonstrate the ability to maneuver a fire apparatus in area with
restricted horizontal and vertical clearances so that the operator
accurately judges the vehicle passing through the openings and
so that no obstructions are struck. (Diminishing clearance
Demonstrate the ability to safely operate fire apparatus under
emergency conditions. (i.e. Code 3)
Apparatus Equipped with Fire Pump: The Driver/Operator shall:
Identify appropriate levels and systems (list below)
Water tank and other extinguishing agent levels
Pumping systems
Foam systems
Shown how to produce effective hand and master stream, given
the sources specified in the following list, so that the pump is
engaged, all pressure control and vehicle safety devices are set,
the rated flow of the nozzle is achieved and maintained, and the
apparatus is continuously monitored for potential problems.
1. Pressurized source
2. Static source (Lake, Pool, Pond)
3. Relay pumping
Identify the following list
1. Hydraulic calculations for friction loss and flow, using
written formulas and fire ground estimation methods
2. Lengths and GPM of all pre-connected hose lines
3. Problems related to small-diameter or dead-end mains
4. Low-pressure and private water supply systems
5. Hydrant coding systems
6. Reliability of static sources
Shown how to perform the list below
1. Spot a fire hydrant and at a static water source
2. Transfer water from one apparatus to another
3. Draft operation
4. Assemble hose line, nozzles, valves and appliances
Taught the use of foam proportioning system (Foam Pro)
Wildland Driving : The Driver/Operator shall:
Demonstrate the ability to maintain control of apparatus or unit
off road.
1. Loose or wet soil
2. Steep grades (30% or greater)
3. Limited sight distance
4. Blind curve
5. Vehicle clearance obstacles (height, width, undercarriage,
angle of approach, angle of departure)
6. Limited space for turnaround
Rural Water Supply : The Driver/Operator shall:
Identify procedures for operating a Nurse Tender Operation or
Water Tender Shuttle Operation
Demonstrate shuttle operations
Demonstrate the ability to transfer water from a water tender to a
attack pumper (Nurse Tender Operation)
Applicant Name: _________________________________________
Start Date of Task book: _________________
Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety
1. Apparatus Preventive Maintenance……………………………………………………
2. Apparatus Physics/Movement…………………………………………………………
3. Apparatus Pump Operations, Theory and Evolutions…….…..……………………….
4. Wildland Driving …………………………….………………………………………
5. Mobile Water Supply……………………………………………………………………
6. Engine Company Evolutions………………………………………………………....
Engineer Instructor’s Signature
__________________________________ _____________________________
Fire Commander’s Signature Engineer Trainee’s Signature