SOP-SSD-20 Monthly FLA's
Support Services Division
January 13, 2018
PURPOSE: To provide ongoing training and improvement through quality assurance
and standardization.
A. Coordinator – Oversees facilitator and has final approval of training
B. Facilitator – Primary person assigned monthly to be responsible for creating and
dispersing training to the group
C. Group – Participants in the training
Coordinator will publish facilitator list annually
Facilitator may choose their monthly training topic, ask for suggestions from the
Coordinator, or request feedback from the group on topic ideas. Occasionally the
Coordinator will assign a specific topic to the person who is next up on the monthly
facilitator training list, at the direction of the Communications Supervisor.
Coordinator will review the training topic and make suggestions, reviewing with
Communications Supervisor if Coordinator deems necessary.
Facilitator will disperse training to the group, giving the participants a completion
Group will complete the training by the deadline, put their individual completed copy in a
red folder labeled ‘Training” in the Communications Supervisor’s box, and then email
the Coordinator that it is now complete.
Coordinator will maintain Monthly Training folder on the S: Drive which will include a
copy of each training listed by month and year for continued education.