SOP-ADM-3 Performance EvaluationsAdministra�on Division SOP-ADM-3 Issued: 8/24/2023 SUBJECT: PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS ____________________________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE: To establish standard procedures for the submital, approval, and rou�ng of performance evalua�ons. DEFINITIONS • Winter rotation: The shift change that usually occurs in January or February • Summer rotation: The shift change that usually occurs in July or August PROCEDURE I. Responsibility Evaluations will be completed by the employee’s direct supervisor at the end of the evaluation period, unless otherwise directed. If the employee was supervised by multiple supervisors, an addendum may be required. II. Timelines A. Probationary 1. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least twice during their probationary period, the first evaluation occurring within the first six months of appointment. Prior to the completion of probation, a final probationary evaluation shall be completed for the employee. B. Rota�on 1. Evaluations for PSOs assigned to Patrol or Fire shall be completed within 21 days of the start of each summer and winter rotation. 2. Evaluations for Sergeants assigned to Patrol or Fire shall be completed within 28 days of the start of each summer and winter rotation. 3. Evaluations for Lieutenants shall be completed annually within 35 days of the start of the summer rotation. Newly promoted Lieutenants may receive an interim evaluation depending on promotion date. C. Special�es: Inves�ga�ons, COPS, Traffic 1. Evaluations for PSOs in a specialty assignment shall be completed annually within 21 days of the start of the summer rotation. 2. Evaluations for Sergeants in a specialty assignment shall be completed annually within 28 days of the start of the summer rotation. 3. Evaluations for PSOs and Sergeants rotating into or out of a specialty shall be completed within 21 days after the rotation date. D. Promo�on 1. Evaluations shall be completed within 21 days after the promotion date. Promotional evaluations are to be completed by the supervisor assigned prior to the promotion. E. Professional Staff 1. Evaluations for professional staff who are supervised by a Sergeant shall be completed annually within 21 days of the start of the summer rotation. a. Applicable positions include CSO, Crime Analyst, and Administrative Assistant- Training. 2. Evaluations for professional staff supervised by a civilian Supervisor, Deputy Chief, or Chief shall be completed annually within 21 days of their anniversary date of hire to that position. a. Applicable positions include Dispatcher, Records Clerk, Property Technician, Administrative Assistant-Fire, Fire Inspector, Fire Marshal, Management Analyst, and Support Services Manager.