2016 CLETS Training PowerPoint - Read-OnlyLU &,O�P�RTM SYSTEM TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FULL ACCESS OPERATOR USES A CLETS TERMINAL TO MAKE ENTRIES AND/OR UPDATES • WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF APPOINTMENT: SIX hours of lecture and Completion of Full Access Operator Workbook • EVERY TWO YEARS: Completion of Full Access Operator Recertification Examination LESS THAN FULL ACCESS USES A CLETS TERMINAL TO MAKE.ONLY INQUIRIES • WITHIN SIX MONTHS OF APPOINTMENT: FOUR hours of lecture and Completion of Less Than Full Access Workbook • EVERY TWO YEARS: Completion of Less Than Full Access Operator Proficiency Exam ADMINISTRATOR LIEUTENANT (OR EQUIVALENT) AND ABOVE WHO is.NOTA CLETS OPERATOR. REVIEW: NCIC A":4reas of Liability for the Criminal Justice Administrator" packet, and Information Bulletins and CLETSICJIS updates, CLETS NETWORK CJIS (DOJ) Wanted Persons System California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System Domestic Violence Restraining Order System Supervised Release File Missing/Unidentified Persons System Stolen Vehicle System Automated Boat System Automated Property System Automated Firearms System Mental Health Firearms Prohibition System Criminal History System Sex/Arson Registration System Message Switching Computers All Points Bulletins Administrative Messages CLETS CAD/LAN Interface DMV (State Vehicle/Vessel Registration Driver License/ID Card Occupational Licensing Parking/Toll Violation Info International Reg Plan OREGON (LEDS� Wanted Persons File Protective Order File Stolen Vehicle File Articles File Gun File Vehicle/Boat Reg File Driver's License File LEAWEI FBI/NCIC Wanted Person File Missing Person File Unidentified Person File CLETS NETWORK Vehicle File California Law Enforcement License Plate File Telecommunications System Boat File Article File Gun File Securities File Interstate Identification Index (III) Foreign Fugitive File US Secret Service Protective File ATF Violent Felon File ORI File Deported Felon File Violent Gang & Terrorist Organizations File Protection Order File All Points Bulletins Administrative Messages Message Switching CLETS CAD/LAN Interface LEAWEB NLETS (Interstate Admin Messages ORION ORI File Vehicle/Boat/Snow- mobile Registration Driver's License Criminal History Help Files Fixed Format Hit Confirmation Trans Canadian Interface INTERPOL Hazardous Material File FAA/TECS Aircraft Tracking System FAA/TECS Aircraft Registration System National Center for Missing/Exploited Children National Insurance Crime Bureau I li CLETS/DOJ LAWS POLICIES MISUSE CONFIRMATION CLETS SECURITY MDT Transmission Radio Transmission Background Checks Reprimand for non-compliance CORI Definition Right -to -know Need -to -know Subject Review State Local Laws relating to CORI RELEASE OF INFORMATION Juvenile CORI Destruction Audit Trail Audits The very use of any CLETS provided information for other than official busimness may be a violation of Pena/ Code Sections 182.11, 5027 11 140m 1 1330 Im 133047 and California Vehicle Code I8O8x45x CLETS, NLETS, NCIC ALL TERMINALS MUST BE SECURE (Title 11, section 707(a) CCR) ALL INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL AND FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT USE ONLY BACKGROUND REQUIREMENTS Personnel (sworn and non -sworn law enforcement, non -criminal justice and private vendor technical, or maintenance) authorized terminal access to CLETS must be subjected to the following checks: • DOJ fingerprint check. (Federal agencies are exempt.) • FBI fingerprint check. Title 11, sections 707(b) and 703(d) CCR MPLOY /VOL NT R STATEMENT FORM USE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION AND DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE RECORD INFORMATION MUST BE SIGNED PRIOR TO OPERATING OR HAVING ACCESS TO CLETS TERMINAL, EQUIPMENT OR INFORMATION CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD INFORMATION (CORI) • California Penal Code Section 11075 defines. • California Penal Code Section 11105 governs release of state CORI. • California Penal Code Section 13300 governs release of local CORI. • 66Right to know"- by statute, case or decisional law. • 66Need to know"- in order to execute official responsibility. • California Penal Code Sections 11120-11127 allow subject review of state CORI. • California Penal Code Sections 13320-13326 allow subject review of local CORI. • Attorney General provides "Authorized Agency" list. CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD INFORMATION (CORI) DEFINITION PER PC 11075m. SUMMARY INFORMATION RELATING TO ARRESTS, PRETRIAL PROCEEDINGS. SENTENCING INFORMATION, INCARCERATIONS, PAROLE AND PROBATION. CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD /NFORMAT/ON RIGHT TO KNOW -The right to obtain Criminal Offender Record Information pursuant to court order, statute, or decisional law. NEED TO KNOW - The necessity to obtain Criminal Offender Record Information in order to execute official responsibilities. "ANY PERSON AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO RECEIVE A RECORD, OR INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM A RECORD, WHO KNOWINGLY FURNISHES THE RECORD INFORMATION TO A PERSON WHO IS NOT AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO RECEIVE THE INFORMATION IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR." (11142 PC) RELEASE OF INFORMATION: • Vehicle Code Section 20008-20012 govern release of accident reports. • Government Code Section 6251-6255 govern release of crime or arrest reports. • Release of local juvenile records is governed by the 11TNG" ruling dictated by the presiding judge of the juvenile court in each respective county (Welfare and Institution Code section 204) . • DOJ cannot advise on release of local reports. • When destroying CORI, the subject's identity must no longer be legible. • Audit trail must be maintained for three (3) years when CORI is released from an automated system (Title 11, section 707(c) CCR) or released to a third agency (11078 PC). • Local release of CORI. DOJ -APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO (2) YEARS ALL CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES ARE AUDITED BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. FBI -APPROXIMATELY EVERY TWO (2) YEARS "SELECTED" CALIFORNIA AGENCIES ARE AUDITED BY NCIC. Penal Code section 11142 states that any person who is authorized by law to receive a record who knowingly furnishes the record to a person not authorized is guilty of a:. A.Infraction B.Misdemeanor C.Felony D.No crime E.Blue slip Law enforcement agencies are authorized to access CORI through the CLETS for licensing, employment and/or certification. A. True B. False Personnel shall not operate or have access to the CLETS terminals, equipment or information until a background and fingerprint check is A. Started B.Completed C.In progress D.AII of the above When obtaining state or local CORI, an individual or agency must demonstrate a "Right to Know" and a A. "Need to Know" B. "Would like to Know" C. "Let Others Know" It is required that each employee/volunteer sign an employee statement form prior to operating or having access CLETS terminals, equipment or information. This form addresses: A. Confidentiality B. Penalties for the improper release of criminal history C. Misuse of CLETS information D. All of the above CURIOSITY OR MISUSE i i i i 9 i EXAMPLE #1 An employee with the Police Department runs a criminal history, DMV, and stolen vehicle check on the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident with their spouse. (This employee is not the investigating officer.) Is this "official business" or misuse? Is this against DOXCLETS policy? (Your department policy also needs to be considered) EXAMPLE #2 An officer on patrol drives through a parking lot and decides to do a stolen vehicle inquiry on various vehicle license plates, in addition to a warrant check on the registered owners. Is this "official business" or misuse? Is this against DOXCLETS policy? (Your department policy also needs to be considered) EXAMPLE #3 An officer on duty at the station, on a slow night, decides to run a DMV and warrant check on Brad Pitt(or any other high -profile figure). Is this "official business" or misuse? Is this against DOXCLETS policy? (Your department policy also needs to be considered) EXAMPLE #4 An officer on patrol is stopped at an intersection and decides to do a stolen vehicle check on the vehicle ahead of him. Additionally, he runs a DMV inquiry on the registered owner. Is this "official business" or misuse? Is this against DOXCLETS policy? (Your department policy also needs to be considered) EXAMPLE #5 The individual that has been your babysitter now for the last 5 months has just been rumored to have a prior sex offense. Can you run a DOJ database inquiry on this individual? Is this "official business" or misuse? Is this against DOXCLETS policy? (Your department policy also needs to be considered) NCIC SECURITIES FILE Cils WANTED PERSONS RESTRAINING AND PROTECTIVE ORDER MISSING/UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS STOLEN VEHICLE AUTOMATED BOAT AUTOMATED PROPERTY AUTOMATED FIREARMS VIOLENT CRIME INFORMATION NETWORK (SEX ARSON REGISTRATION) SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE TRANSACTIONS ENTRY MODIFY CANCEL CLEAR CJIS TRA NSA CTIONS • ENTRY - Place a record into the system. • MODIFY - Add, delete or change a portion of the data contained in a record. (SAR uses 66update" to 66append" new information rather than overwriting original information as in other CJIS records.) • CANCEL - Remove an entire record from file. (A record may be cancelled only by the contributor or DOJ.) • CLEAR - Indicate property recovered. (Only contributor or DOJ can clear a record.) • LOCATE - Indicate wanted person apprehended, item of property recovered, missing person found, or unidentified person identified. ENTRY LEVEL FIELD • ENTRY LEVEL 1 = CJIS • ENTRY LEVEL 2 = CJIS and NCIC • ENTRY LEVEL 3 = WPS ONLY • CLETS TERMINALS CANNOT ENTER NCIC RECORDS ONLY, EXCEPT FOR THE SECURITIES FILE. • A RECORD CAN BE MODIFIED FROM LEVEL 2 TO LEVEL 1, BUT NOT FROM LEVEL 1 TO LEVEL 2. (EXCEPTION: WPS) • WPS ENTRIES INTO NCIC (LEVEL 2) MAY INCLUDE "NON -EXTRADITABLE" FELONY WARRANTS IF "NOEX" IS ENTERED AS THE FIRST 4 CHARACTERS IN THE MIS FIELD RECORD VERIFICATION, MAINTENANCE, AND VALIDATION • ENTER ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION FROM THE MASTER CASE FILE, CRIME REPORT, OR WARRANT, IF THE INFORMATION FOR AN OPTIONAL DATA FIELD IS AVAILABLE, USE IT. • SECOND PARTY VERIFICATION FOR QUALITY AND ACC U RACY. • VALIDATE RECORDS TO ASSURE THE RECORD IS CURRENT AND ACCURATE. • THE GUN, SECURITIES, BOAT, VEHICLE, LICENSE PLATE, WANTED PERSONS, AND MISSING PERSONS FILES ARE VALIDATED MONTHLY. HIT CONFIRMATION DO NOT TAKE ANY FURTHER POLICE ACTION, BASED ON A HIT, UNTIL IT IS CONFIRMED THAT THE PERSON OR PROPERTY IS THE SAME AS THAT OF AN ACTIVE RECORD. • ENTERING AGENCY MUST BE AVAILABLE TO CONFIRM A HIT 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, OR • ARRANGE FOR ANOTHER AGENCY WITH THE ABILITY TO CONFIRM • CONFIRMATION IS TO BE IN 10 MINUTES. A SUBSTANTIVE RESPONSE IS: 1. HIT CONFIRMED. 2. HIT DENIED - PROBABLY NOT THE SAME. 3. NOTICE OF TIME IT WILL TAKE TO CONFIRM OR DENY. HIT CONFIRMATION PRIORITIES URGENT = 10 MINUTES ROUTINE _ I HO R The requesting agency always sets the priority IF NO RESPONSE BY PRIORITY, SEND 2ND request (COPY GOES TO DOJ) 3RD request = COPY TO DOJ and NCIC Repeated failure to respond may result in drop of CJIS or NCIC service. LOCATE RESPONSIBILITY YOU MUST PLACE A LOCATE WHEN: • INQUIRY RESULTS IN A HIT • HIT CONFIRMATION IS POSITIVE • REASONABLE CAUSE TO BELIEVE THEY ARE THE SAME NOTE: A TELEPHONE CALL OR TELETYPE FOR CONFIRMATION IS NOT A LOCATE RECOVERED PROPERTY AND WANTED PERSON APPREHENSION When a LOCATE z"splaced on a CJIS record, the contributor of the record must promptly CLEAR or CANCEL the record. MODIFY ms • ONLY THE ENTERING AGENCY CAN MODIFY. • A RECORD CANNOT BE MODIFIED IF IT IS IN A LOCATE STATUS. • YOU MUST USE THE NIC NUMBER AND ORIGINATING AGENCY CASE NUMBER, IN THAT ORDER, OR SERIAL NUMBER AND ORIGINATING AGENCY CASE NUMBER, IN THAT ORDER, PRECEDED BY THE PROPER MESSAGE FIELD CODES. CANC L(XS ONLY THE ENTERING AGENCY CAN CANCEL. YOU MUST USE THE NIC NUMBER AND ORIGINATING AGENCY CASE NUMBER, IN THAT ORDER, OR SERIAL NUMBER AND ORIGINATING AGENCY CASE NUMBER, IN THAT ORDER. PRECEDED BY THE PROPER MESSAGE FIELD CODES. CANCELLATION DATE (WHICH MUST BE CURRENT DATE) MUST FOLLOW THE TWO RECORD IDENTIFIERS. LOCATE (LS THE ENTERING AGENCY CANNOT LOCATE THEIR OWN RECORD - IT MUST BE CLEARED. TEN DAYS AFTER A RECORD IS LOCATED, IT IS SUPPRESSED. RECORDS THAT ARE LOCATED MUST BE IDENTIFIED BY THE NIC NUMBER AND ORIGINATING AGENCY CASE NUMBER, IN THAT ORDER, FOLLOWED BY THE DATE OF RECOVERY AND RECOVERING AGENCY'S CASE NUMBER WITHOUT FIELD CODES. CLEAR (CS) RESTRICTED TO THE AGENCY THAT ENTERED THE RECORD. 1. WHEN THE AGENCY RECOVERING THE VEH, PROPERTY ETC. IS THE AGENCY THAT ENTERED THE RECORD. 2. WHEN THE AGENCY THAT ENTERED THE RECORD IS OFFICALLY ADVISED THAT THE VEH, PROP ETC HAS BEEN RECOVERED BY ANOTHER AGENCY. YOU MUST USE THE FCN OR NIC NUMBER AND OCA, IN THAT ORDER, WITH EACH DATA ELEMENT PRECEDED BY THE PROPER MESSAGE FIELD CODE. NEXT IS THE DATE OF RECOVERY, RECOVERING AGENCY'S IDENTIFIER, AND RECOVERING AGENCY'S CASE NUMBER. All entries must be double-checked by a second party at the time of entry. A. True B. False C. If someone is available to check it An agency receiving a hit confirmation request must respond with a substantive response. A substantive response is defined as: A. Hit confirmed B. Hit denied C. Unable to respond at this time. Will reply in (specify time) D. All of the above A computer match on a person or property is probable cause for arrest or confiscation in and of itself. A. True B. False C. If they look guilty What must an agency access in order to confirm a hit on the originating agency's person or property? A. All Points Bulletin B. The originating agency's Master Case Record C. The appropriate automated CJIS database D. All of the above �1/ '!/ (ORIGINATING AGENCY IDENTIFIER) M N E (MNEMONIC) 4 Characters WeTA17rl� ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE SINGLE DESTINATION LOS ANGELES SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT ATTN: AUTO THEFT UNIT REQUESTING INFORMATION ON ANY TRUCK THEFT RINGS SPECIALIZING IN RED PETERBILTS IN YOUR VICINITY. REF: SILVER SPRINGS PD RPD/DO ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE MULTIPLE DESTINATION N 023 XTPO RDCO SCMO MOMO SLSO SMUO 79990771 7530 HRS ATTN: DISPATCH SUPERVISORS PRISON BREAK AT SOLEDAD. GUARDS NAPPING DURING TRAINING CLASS. 5000 CONS HEADED SOUTH ON HWY 1. REF: WARDEN CAPONE, SOLEDAD STATE PRISON ACCEPTABLE ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGES A. REQUEST FOR RECORD VALIDATION B. OFFICER KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY C. TRANSPORTATION OF PRISONER D. MAIL BACK INFORMATION FROM DATA BASES E. NOTICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT RELATED MEETINGS AND TRAINING SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENTS UNACCEPTABLE ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGES A. Personnel Notice B. Profane or Obscene Language C. Excessive Listing of Property D. Civil Subpoena DEAR JIMBO: RE UR FOLLOWING MESSAGE, DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU MEANT TO SEND THIS MESSAGE, BUT FOR UR INFO IT LANDED IN THE NLETS CONTROL CENTER FOR THE STATE OF CALIF. SUGGEST YOU KEEP YOUR FOLLOWING REMARKS TO THE TELEPHONE OR MAIL SYSTEM. CA NLETS CONTROL SACRAMENTO JB/AB/ TXT MESSAGE NBR.123 091585 W HATS HAPPENING GUYS????????????? ARE YOU BUSY????????????? I'M VERY BORED... TOURIST SEASON IS OVER AND ALL WE HAVE LEFT IS THE LOCALS, . ARE YOU BUSY ON THIS FINE MORNING????????????????????????????????? LATER .............JIMBO AUTH: XXXXXXXXXXXXX COP XXXXXXXXX PD XXXXXXXXX MONTANA 091 Administrative Message To CLETS or NLETS EMERGENCY: ❑' CALIFORNIA DESTINATIONS: ' GRNO ,.'. F �F7— . NLETS TO MARIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ATTENTION: RECORDS MESSAGE: IS MESSAGE IS TO INFORM YOU T" THE FC)LLOWING SUBJ IS IN CUSTODY: NUMBER/ $561512 ABOVE SUBJECT WAS ARRESTED AND TAKEN TO THE SONOMA COUNTY JAIL REFERENCE: OFFICER CATCHER TFLEFIICNE: 7CV7 84 6U0 EXT ry CASE NUMBER: —1234 AGENCY: MNEMONIC: ROH(! OP E RATOR ID: RP?913 r The CLETS/NLETS mask is commonly used when our department needs to make contact with another agency. The most common reason is when a person is arrested or a stolen vehicle has been located by this agency. This is an example only. As long as all the necessary information is in the message it does not matter how it is formatted. ALL POINTS BULLETINS ALL POINTS BULLETINS MAY BE SENT TO ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES... HIGHWAY GEOGRAPHIC US 50 NORTHERN COAST SR 99/ 15 SOUTHERN COAST US 101/ SR1 CENTRAL COAST US 395 SACRAMENTO AREA 180 MID -EAST BORDER NORTHERN INLAND AREA SAN JOAQUIN AREA BAY AREA LOS ANGELES AREA CRIMES SPECIFIC NARCOTICS GANGS SEXUAL ASSAULTS ROBBERY/BURGLARY KIDNAPPING/MISSING/ UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS VEHICLE THEFT HOMICIDE ARSON ALL POINTS BULLETIN (AmPoBo) ACCEPTABLE A. Property - Serialized B. Person Crimes C. Be on Lookout D. Death and Funeral Notice, Sworn & Executive E. Acts of Nature - Warnings UNACCEPTABLE A. Runaway Juveniles B. Misdemeanor Offenses C. Excessive Listing of Unserialized Property D. ROIR, Reply Only if Record E. ROIW, Reply Only if Wanted F. Traffic Warrants G. 270 PC - Failure to Provide H. Social Announcements - Retirements, Holiday Cheer, Labor/Management Issues I. Recruitment of Personnel, Job Inquiries APB (All Points Bulletin) CALIFORNIA DESTINATIONS NLETS DESTINATIONS: F TO: ALL SONOMA COUNTY AGENCIES ACTION: ISTOP AND HOLD CRIME:F?AFID 245 PC- DOC: m 4.7.57 SNYDER LN, ROHINERT PARK VEHICLE INFORMATION: MC CI 1RE1Dr---.....-..- VST. VYR: 994: VMA: vM 0: LIC: 1123ABC ADDVEHDESC-F SPOILERAND TINTED WINDOWS SUSPECT #1 INFORMATION - NAM: RAO: SEX: HGT: Pq3. VVGT:F-757 HA-t. EYE; [B—RO1; DOB: 17777, 'or AGE: F' LSW: jjWWHf H ODED SWEATSHIRT, BLU JEANS ADD FEAT: MUSTACHE AND SIDEBURNS SUSPECT #2 INFORMATION: NAM: r R-A.C. SEX: HGT5t76 WGT-. [15Q HAI:. BLIG.. EYE AGE: F-7-71 LSW: SLEIEVE SHIRT, 13LK JEANS ADD FEAT:F—, --A SUSP'S KNOCKED ON VXCTIMIS DOOR. WHEN VICTIM OPENED THE DOOR SUSP'S FORCED THEIR W-TkY INTO THE RESIDENCE P.ND DEMANDED MONEY. S (1) THEN PIS�rOr, WHIPPED THE VICTIM. SUSP'S FLED THE SCENE 7kND WERE I,AST SEEN HEADING S/B or4 S"ybER IN THE ABOVE VEH- REFERENCE: 1(C!FFICER WHO DUN IT 03-1234 ----- ----- TELEPHONE: ---- jEXT.-F O-P-E—R 'A 0- R I - — ---------- --- — - - --------------- ----- - --- ---- ----------- - — - - --------- What is Rohnert Park's ORI? A. CA0490400 B. CA1234567 C. What's an ORI? When sending an Admin Message how many CA destinations can you send to at one time? A.6 B.5 C. Unlimited D. 1 It is ok to use obscene or profane language in an Admin Message? A. True B. False C. Sometimes D. Only when you are really mad WANTED PERSONS SYSTEM WPS REQUIREMENTS • A WPS MATCH DOES NOT PROVIDE REASONABLE CAUSE FOR ARREST. • THE INQUIRING AGENCY MUST CONFIRM THE WARRANT. • THE WANTED PERSON MUST BE TRANSPORTED FROM ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA, REGARDLESS OF WARRANT TYPE OR BAIL AMOUNT, UNLESS THE WARRANT IS AN ENT/3 or ENT/2 with "NOEX" TYPES OF WARRANTS TEMPORARY WARRANT (ENT/1 or ENT12) Placed into WPS prior to the actual issuance of the warrant. MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY WARRANT (ENT/1) Entering agency is willing to transport back to its jurisdiction from anywhere within California. SERIOUS MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY WARRANT (ENT/2) nterinp apencv is willing to transport from anywhere within California and at least one ether state. EXCEPTION: Felony 11NOEX" in MIS FELONY WARRANT (ENT/3) Entering agency has limited the distance they will transport subject. ARRESTING agency MUST "verify transportation prior to arrest." WP RETENTION PERIODS • TEMPORARY WARRANTS • 48=72 HOURS IF NOT MODIFIED TO PERMANENT STATUS • MISDEMEANOR WARRANTS • 3 YEARS. CAN BE RENEWED EVERY 3 YEARS. • FELONY WARRANTS • 5 YEARS. CAN BE RENEWED EVERY 5 YEARS. 90 DAY NOTIFICATION OF PURGING BY DOJ WP earch Criteria • LAST NAME: Sound Alike (Soundex) • FIRST NAME: Exact Match Table Match or Diminutive NO WANT = USE INITIAL • DOB: No Exact CJIS Match Current Year (+ or -) 1 Year NCIC = MUST BE EXACT MATCH WP Inquiry Elements MANDATORY: NAME AND SEX, or CII #, or FBI #, or SOC #, or OLN # OPTIONAL: DOB or AGE, RACE, HGT, WGT NCICEE NAME, SEX, DOB or NAME, SEX, NUMERIC ID AGENCY'S OWN WARRANT: FCN, OCA and WAR *UP TO 10 POSSIBLE MATCHES RETURNED WPS Inquiry KNIT ID: - WPSINCIC: r OREGCN: CANADIAN: 17 LOCAL WARRANT (IJS): F, RIMS NAME INQUIRY: NAM, SEX: t or AGE: RAC. aC6 � � �� FFIGT: NUMERIC INQUIRY: f FBI: _ . NIC SOC: Cll: C►LN OCA - .. _.._ FCN: � .. WAR I .. When searching WPS it is best to enter a name and dob (or age). WPS will search last names that sound alike and first names that are an exact match or diminutive match and a DOB + or - 1 year. In NCIC the DOB must be an exact match. WPS HIT UNIT ID: 4NI TRANSACTION SEAT: 3ROHOXXXX00.*RP292 .172024032024.IR QVC.CA0490400.NAM/RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST.SEX/M.DOBB/05051955.APP/Y ********* CLETS RESPONSE 4ROH0355600.IW CA0490400 RE: QW.CA0490400.NAM/RECOR:D,CALIFO MATCH MADE ON NAM/RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST NAME FIELD SEARCH REVEALS: WPS HIT # 001 HIT MADE ON NAM/RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST ORI/CA0349458 FCN/1861212500656 * * CAUTION: VIOLENT TENDENCIES MARTIAL ARTS EXPERT NTC/W424980970 NAM✓RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST 19551212 M W 511 240 BRO BRO CA DOW/20110106 WNO/AB,C123'456 TOW/F'EL ENT/2 OFF/5011 PAROLE VIOL BAIL/75,000 OOC/3599 DANGEROUS DRUG OCA/1-023456 MIS/NOEX TAT ON BACK OF CROSS -THIS IS A DOJ "VEST .RECORD, DO NOT CANCEL OR LOCATE THIS RECORD AKA/TEST,CALIFORNIA JR SMT/TAT BACK SOC/5766789�70/5612.13456 OLG/N1053567.CA.2012 ADB/19570912 MNU/AS-523176014 LIG/SAM123 LIS/CA LIY/2012 LIT/PC VEG/1G1PT66PCXJ123 VYR/1980 VMA/FORD VMO/MUS VST/2D VCO/RED S-F DOB/19631124 S-F OLG/X91827364.CA.2012 S-F NAM/TEST,TOLEN FALSE SUBJECT MAY BE SAME AS CII/AO5622312 F'BI/12345G NOA/N EXL/1 FULL EXTRADITION UNLESS STATED IN THE MIS FIELD IMMEDIATELY CONFIRM WITH CA0349458 DOJ WANTED PERSONS UNIT MNE/DOtJ`O TELEPHONE 916 227-3689 END OF WPS MESSAGE******** A warrant entered as ENT/2 means: A. The warrant is in CA only B. The agency is not willing to extradite C. The warrant is in the NCIC only D. The warrant is in CA and the NCIC The CLETS will forward a WPS inquiry to the NCIC when A.Name and Sex B. Name, Sex and Date of Birth C. Name, Race and Numeric Identifier D. Name, Race and Vehicle Identifier A locate transaction can only be used when your agency has apprehended the subject of a wanted person record entered by your agency. A. True B. False is included. CALIFORNIA RESTRAINING AND PROTECTIVE ORDER SYSTEM TYPES OF RESTRAINING ORDERS • EPO's (Emergency Protective Orders) • Juvenile Orders • Temporary & Permanent Workplace Harassment Orders • Temporary and Permanent Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Orders • Criminal Protective Orders • Temporary & Permanent Civil Harassment Orders • Out of State Orders • Domestic Violence Restraining Orders CARPO I n MANDATORY: OPTIONAL: NCICE0 Ul Elements NAME AND SEX, or FCN #, or OCA # DOB or AGE, RAC, HGT CNT* 3 REG* * (STATEWIDE IF CNT OR REG CODESNOT USED) NAME, SEX, DOB *MAY RECEIVE UP TO 10 RECORDS CARPOS Search Criteria • LAST NAME: Sound Alike (Soundex) • FIRST NAME: Exact Match or Diminutive Table Match No Hit = Use Initial NO EXACT MATCH ON: DAB = Current Year (+ or -) 1 Year AGE _ (+ or -) 3 years CARPOS INQUIRY RESTRAINING ORDERS UNIT : 'Historical Inquiry: ID NAME INQUIRY: NAM: SEX: DOB: or AGE: RAC: HGT: CNT: FCN,'OCA, OR NC ICE INQUIRY: FCN: or COCA : or NIC: t' 11.�n 1l !? "7 1 k4­, 0, An inquiry can be made into CARPOS by using the FCN, agency case number or name and sex of the restrained or protected person CARPOS HIT ,"TAWI 0172024(02022,:B 10 0AYX CAO,490600 MA"."ICR YADR: ON NAMT 7131,D SRAW-H REVEAJSi EF,"' 4 ODI IT rK Af)� ')N (,XLlF0P)',11,, 7BST aj 1901�r4P2 ORt/cAU49456 h, W, I Y. L TH h.l BR,C, S I i I C 1 '01 1, F N C i,iw11R RI..'0 'E" 1 1, J, tfa; far (ORDY"R pr,""T(AVIE, FAA I'M' TfH9 SA.lfil AS, HA,41BRC) AX41A.DAMS , TMS.- Chl"WOR!VA V�', ARM IMT MK,;:T A 0 2 11 CA 19 9 5 3 2 19 8 7 ("'1'7AMAMENT',O 1"I'ST, Rrc'%"RD - P)ROT'V! ' 17U�� INPORWf,"tlo�,' PROT -B!'rll) A ERSX)N NAMN,,MN , �"POV MM PURS,"N pRrj'1, CTLD PERS,"N RACVi AIT11,71, FAO MMNM", ,kr,,,D'rL PROTEl.'D VERO"'14 'UN)TI, COURT RK"W", N"'Mm"'w/ CD,JRT ck""fl,"', UF DA D", / 199 "d 0,% 0 .1 LX SON LAT E/WNKX 11 ODN"AC",PRCTECNill PF'lps. ,'r,ND ME RhSTRAIRoX N,",RSON NOT �,."ONTACT PINT,(ARM FVRIl"VIXF OP kEcil"I1V21 POM MUST 7VIR"REMER, ALL p � b fNAPPIIL� TAY Adk i �IPR ONA/ PEE r, P WP VTA,Bti 1 1 r X)N , WO R.K P WX 21, LANS, D"U, "'AW1 `,l'AY AWAV,0100 YA'RDS sn"Eil sAl"I'dWEN'To cs95820 SLIMIED DATVIPR'04�,' TV4R/2,00 53,9,v,'VNC MIE"NCY CAZZ HUM Y y'k('�LATT',,,N NUMU�PIR 011 PWWR Y'f'01,AT,0?P PENI/C17 &lok A 0',,MP,PTR RECORb WITH VV%Jl,T,,QPl 'ra cuwl CARPOS ENTRY PROTECTED INFORMATION .. .. RESTRAINING ORDER AND COURT INFORMATIOW • • - x �► .. - CARPOS ENTRY wont.. ADDITIONAL PROTECTED PERSON(S): AP1: SEX: RAC: DOB: REL: HHM APB: SEX: RAC: DOB: 77 REL: HHNI AP3: SEX: RAC: DOB: REL: HH ., AP4:...... _............... ; SEX: RAC: DOB: _........, m . REL: _ HHM: ,..., - ..! APv: SEX: RAC: DOB: �. REL: .,, HHM RESTRAINED PERSON (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION): AKA 01: AKA 04: AKA 03: . M_.,.._.._._._. _ . _,....M.__._......._.._ _..,. ,.,_._. ..,.., AKA 0': AKA Obi: s AKA 07: AKA f18: AKA 99: FBI: .................. FPC: SMT ... SKIM: ` POEM:.. _....7 soc .... _. MNU: VAC: LIC: LIS: LI'Y LIT: VIN: VYR: VMA: VIVO: VST. VCCr• OTO: ill Is] u-TIq Lej 11 11 id M /=Cjv* File code number — located on CARPOS teletype IVAM: Name — as entered on C�ARPOS teletype RI>T. Case number for the, violation, 0 C) V., [Date of violation (YYYYMMIDD) VVVO: Where violation occurred': R = PP Residenco, W =, PP Workplace, S = PP School olir Daycare, V == PP, Vehicle., 0 " Other 14vo: How violation occurred 1-5 codes can be entered: F = Face, T = Telelphone/Pagier, E = Email, M = Mail, X Fax:, C = Contacted by Third Party, W = Followed PP, S = Kept P'P Under Surveillance, E) = Destroyed Personal Property, 0 = Other S, TV. Status of Violator: A = Arrested, C = Cited & Rieleased, l Released, N = Not contacted, 0 = Other Oh L: Child(reni) present: Y = Yes, N No, Ul = Unknown TOO: Time of violation- iMilitary time (HI-IMM) VOP: Violator on Parole or Probation- Y = Yes, N = No, U = Unknown VUW: Violator used weapon: Y= Yes, N = No, U = Unknown, WTP: Weaoin F = Firearrri, K = Kinife, H = IHands, fist, feet, etc, 0 = nth eir dangerous weapons 10 0 M Additional comments: 1-600 characters:, free text field SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE What iS SRF SRF access via CLETS 2-Way communication link Designed to improve supervision of convicted persons Contact Messages Notice of Arrest Supervision Transfer Feature Statewide Information of ALL Supervised Felons Assist in Investigations Enhancing Officer & Public Safety What is SRF • Adult Parolees • Youth Parolees • County Probation • Community Supervision - AB 109 • Mandatory Supervision - PC 1170 (h)(5)(B) • Federal Probationers • Mental Health - PC 14202.2(b) • Career Criminals - PC 13853 MANDATORY: NAME AND SEX, or NUMERIC ID# or FCN OPTIONAL: DOB or AGE, RACE, HGT, CNT, REG NCICE. NAME, SEX, DOB or NAME, SEX, NUMERIC ID# MAY RECEIVE UP TO 10 RECORDS SRF Inquiry UPERVISED RELEASE FI .E - INQUIRY To inquire in SRF a Name and Sex or Numeric Identifier is required SRF HIT Owl �- � =•"m I TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHOXXXXOO.*RP292 .4172024C32024.IR QVC.CA0490400.NAM/RECC)RD,CALIFORNIA TEST.SEX/M.DOB/05OS1955-APE ChETS RESPONSE 4ROH0355600.IR CA0490400 RE: QVC.CA0490400.NAM/RECOPD,CAfIFORNIA TEST.SEX/M.r- MATCH. MADE ON NAM/RECORD,CAhIFORNIA TEST NAME FIELD SEARCH REVEALS: SRF HIT # 001 HIT MADE ON AKA/RECORD,CALTFORNlA TEST NOT A WARRANT** CDC PAROLE RECORD **NOT A WARRANT DO NOT ARREST OR DETAIN BASED SOLELY ON THIS RESPONSE CAUTION/ARMED AND DANGEROUS ENT/1 NAM/SRFCDC,TEST DOJ SEX/M DOB/19560101 RAC/W HGT/510 .WGT/150 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO OLN/AI23456Z.CA.2011 SOC/555-66-5555 CTT/65646362 FBI/1234567 QCAICJIS0001 CDC/XX9990 MISC NUMBER/AS-21001999 RESIDENCE: COUNTY/SACRAMENTO CITY/SACRAMENTO ***-k*-***CDC PAROLE INFC>PMATION*-k**-A--A--Jl* PRIMARY OFFENSE/TEST OFFENSE CODE/4901 SENTENCING COURT/CA034013J ARREST DATE/19990101 ARRESTING AGENCY/CA0340400 INCARCERATED/MULE CREEK WARRANT NUMBER/W1234567890 ISSUING COURT/CA034013J BEGIN PAROLE/20060101 DISCHARGE DATE/20080715 RELEASE LOCATION/SACRAMENTO REASON FOR REVOCATION OR RELEASE/BROKE LAW REVOKE OR RELEASE DATE/20010404 AKA/RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST RECORDTEST,TEST TEST TESTPRO,CALIFORNIA RECORD TESTREC, TEST PRO TESTRECORD,CALIFORNIA. SCRS/MKS/TT/TAT L, ARM POB/CALIFORNIA SKTN/ALBINO VEHICLE LIC/ISAM123 STATE/CA EXP/2000 PLATE TYPE/PC VEHICLE VIN/SCFDLOlS5ETLI0001 VEHICLE MAKE/ASTO MODEL/LAG COLOR/BLU/RED STYLE/2D YEAR/1984 FPC CLASS/ AGENCY/CA DEPT OF CORRECTIONS ORI/CA034015G CONTACT/HATTON,JON UNIT/SRF UNIT PRONE/916 227-5555 MISC/THIS IS A TEST RECORD ONLY, CALL (916) 555-5555 & PAY $5 -lk--k-k-;01-*,--k***-k-k*C,ONTACT MESSAGE**'*'***'**'*** NUMBER OF PRIOR CONTACT MSGS/67 SEND CONTACT MESSAGE IDENTIFYING CLETS MNE/,CLFW RECORD TYPE/CDC AND IDN/XX9990 , OR ONLY FCN/9590817900184 CHECKING NCIC -* Ike * lk' 'k 'k * * * END OF SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE MESSAGE • Banner of each record type reflects the MKE used 11 H H I I i I I III I W oil -A Probation Record Type ncl udes: • Formal Probationers • Informal (some agencies) Not intended for: • "Court Probation" • Other sentencing (Diversion, Sheriff's Parole, etc)* H H I PRC • Entered by CDCR as a placeholder (temporary) No jurisdiction No end date entered (EDS/999999999) • County Probation to enter jurisdictional record CSV • Intended for 1170 (h) subjects once they have completed the custody portion of sentence (split sentence) and are released with mandatory supervision. SRF NOTICE OF ARREST THIS ARREST WAS MATCHED BY Cil NUMBER AND MAY BE THE SAME SUBJECT AS YOUR SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE RECORD. ACCESS THE CRIMINAL HISTORY SYSTEM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. ARREST DATE/igggo8oi AGENCY/CASACRAMENTO C I I /A99002642 CASE#/SAC12345 COUNTY PROBATION OCA/TEST123457 NAM/RECORD,CALIFORNIA TEST DOB/19550505 SEX/M RAC/W HGT/602 WGT/225 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO PRIMARY OFFENSE/261 PC AGENCY/MARIN COUNTY PROBATION UNIT/ADULT CONTACTIKELLY, PEGGY PHO/916 227-4877 MISC/SUBJECT NOT TO BE UNSUPERVISED NEAR CHILDREN *************** END OF NOTICE OF ARREST **************** Sex Offenders o Subjects that qualify as sex offenders have a lifetime requirement to register per PC 290 o LEAs are able to inquire, enter and update sex registration information into the CSAR database using the CSAR web application How often does a Sex Registrant have to register? o When you move to another jurisdiction? o 5 days o Annually w/in 5 working_days of your birthday o If you are a transient how many times a year do you have to register? 0 12 (every 30 days) Requirements for Registration o Obtaining an additional residence o Enrolling into a school of a higher learning o Gaining employment o After incarceration or a commitment that lasted more than 30 days o Sexually Violent 290's no less than every 90 days What are the KEY elements of a 290 entry o Personal Information o Offenses o Registration History Contact Messages • SRF/CSAR provide a two way communication link which allows law enforcement officers to send information about an encounter with a subject on supervised release to the agency that entered the record. This link is called a Contact Message. • After receiving information from SRF/CSAR about your individual you are requested to send a Contact Message to the agency that entered the record. The contact message summarizes your encounter with the subject and has free text for comments. • The Contact message is transmitted through CLETS, matched to the SRF/CSAR record, and forwarded to the agency which entered the record. • Officers on the street can learn the status of the individuals they are encountering, while supervising agents and agencies interested in the activities of an individual can receive information on the nature of the contact. • Parole agents have received Contact messages indicating possible criminal activity at a time when the subject was being considered for early release. • Formally documents contacts with a sex registrant SRF/CSAR Contact Message SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE OR CSiAR CONTACT MESSAGE VEHICLE: To enter a contact message: FCN: Enter the FCN OFN: The officer who contacted the individual CAL: Does the officer want a phone called (Y of N) PHO: The phone number to be called (must be filled in regardless) STA: The status B=booked, C= cited, R=routine CHG: The charge if arrested; if not, enter "none" as it is a required field Comments: Any additional info the officer wants to add Should a mandatory Restraining Order be entered into the CARPOS even though the order has not been served on the subject? A. Yes B. No SRF/CSAR provide for a two-way communication link which allows inquiring law enforcement officers to send information about an encounter with a subject to the agency that entered the record. This is called the: A. Supporting documentation B. Master Case Record C. Hit Confirmation D. Contact Message What information can be placed in a Contact Message by an agency making an encounter with a parolee, probationer, registrant, etc.? A. Type of encounter (Routine, Booking, Citation) B. Vehicle information C. Date, time and location of contact D. All of the above Local law enforcement agencies may enter subjects into which of the SRF indices? A. Career Criminal B. Probation C. Department of Mental Health D. All the above MISSING AND UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS SYSTEM MISSING PERSONS REPORTINO RE0111REMENTS Law enforcement agencies shall accept any report (including telephonic) of a missing person (including runaways) without delay. Penal Code Sections 14205 and 14206 jPEPOrOT/NGiPEQU/rPE�ENTS,CONTINUED) � FORWARD COPY OF REPORT TO: • AGENCY OF MISSING PERSON'S RESIDENCE • AGENCY WHERE MISSING PERSON LAST SEEN • DOJIMUPS via CLETS m> BROADCAST BOLO IF UNDER "'I s11 OR AT RISK m> PROVIDE REPORTING PARTY WITH MEDICAL RELEASE FORM m> ENTER MISSING CHILDREN ON TIMELY BASIS * AT RISK CHILD DENTAL/MEDICAL RECORDS OR X-RAYS DEPENDENT ADULT OR ELDER IMMEDIATELY AND/OR WITHOUT DELAY MISSING PERSON UN/GENT/f/EDPE�SONS CONTAINS REPORTS OFX • UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS= iiVIAwlIg and dead • BODY PARTS - from California and surrounding states • FINGERPRINTS/DENTAL CHARTS - if avaiiabie *1 Missing Person Entry or Modification is Automatically Checked Pqi/y Against Unidentified Persons. MISSING/UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS SYSTEM (MOPS) INQUIRIES NAME PHYSICAL INQUIRY DESCRIPTION INQUIRY NAME SEX SEX RACE HGT DOB/AGE NAME EYE AGE HAIR DOB WGT HGT DLC WGT SMT EYE ARE HAIR DLC MISSING PERSONS INQUIRIES FCN OCA OLN LIC INQUIRY INQUIRY INQUIRY INQUIRY VEHICLE DESCRIPTION INQUIRY VCO VIMAA VMO VST VYR DENTAL INQUIRY PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION INQUIRY SEX RACE HGT DOB/AG E EYEMAI R WGT EDD S MI T/ARE m Ps UNIDENTIFIED INQUIRY PERSONS INQUIRIES OCA INQUIRY BODY PARTS STATUS INIQU!IRY SEX ARE DENTAL INQUIRY I�UPSSe�rchCriferi� PA Up to 12 possible matches on NAM inquiry a Forwarded to NCIC when using: • NAM, SEX and DOB, OR • WGT, HAI, and EYE, AND • Less than 12 hits received Ili Search ranges • DOB = Plus or minus 1 year (NCIC DOB IS AN EXACT MATCH) • AGE = Plus or minus 3 years Missing Person Inqui UNIT ID: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTOR INQUIRY: SEX: RAC: .. AGE .W HGT: WGT EYE HAI: SMT: _ ARE DLC: NUMERIC INQUIRY: i=CN: OCA: s LIC: VEHICLE DESCRIPTION INQUIRY: VCO: VMA VYR: UST: VM0. -When running Name Inquiry: Name and sex are required -When running Physical Descriptor Inquiry: Sex, Race, Age and Hgt (height) are required -When running a Vehicle Descriptor Inquiry: VCO (color) VMA (make) Missin Person Hit It UNIT ID: 4N1 TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHO XX00.*RP292 .#1 2024032024.IR VC. CA04 0400. NAM/REC RDI CALIFOPNIA TEST. SEX/ . DOB/ 5051 ..APP/Y ******** CLETS RESPONSE 4ROH0355 00.Ij ILOI ISONQRO,HOCLXSUM CA0490400 ***MESSAGEi KEY i SEARCHES " LL NCIA MKE/MISSING PERSON ENDANGERED DOB/1955005# • ! 1, . OC�A/12-OOTIEST 11 a DTE/20120919 1427 ! IMMED CONFIRM PERSONS FILES WITHOUT LIMITATIONS. DLU/20120919 1433 EDT WITH ORI Missing Person Entr ...... . ....... ORI: MIS. OCA, TYP, NAM,SEX,RAC,HGT,WGT,HAI,EYE,DLC and DXR are required for entry. All information provided however, has to be entered. Missing Person Entr Physical Descriptors FCN: NAM: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: CLO: JEWELRY INFORMATION-. JWT: JW'L: WEAPONS AND LIFESTYLE: 4PNiE,4.,. AKA2: AKA4: AKA': AKA8-. Missing Person Entry Physical Descriptors ... cont Missing Person Entry Physical Descriptors ... cont NUMERICAL INFORMATION: SOC; CIII: ��...� FBI MINU MISSING PERSON VEHICLE ENT�{RY: LB VYR. .._ _ ........ x.�.� _,. ..w.,...�, M�...�n,u nn..�x,ax.�x VY RTr., ,....�...,�.._. .... ......... VIN. nXMOFwmroMmMVIMwMawmnar�m�nt�n'nwwr+emanm'�menir-b�+Mkr.AM�hc�t�nlPav�+.S,t!+MM,C^�M�'+'SAImS'£�YhwStMkMM��F'",'Yi"?;'�•I+s+' ..... ... ., "r'H+++++M1�w"NA rcw,vr,'nnx�n.�amz�+�a+q+r+rhveHNm�Wnt*Ya,rcm^^•^m LICENSE GROUP: ..., LIY: The physical descriptor mask is used in addition to the entry mask. Any additional information that is not included in the first entry mask gets added here. Mvrs REVIEW According to federal statute, missing persons under the age of and national missing person files immediately. A. 12 B. 16 C. 18 D. 21 are required to be entered into state Law enforcement does not have to accept a missing person report over the telephone. A. True B. False The Unidentified Persons System may contain records of either deceased or living individuals, as well as body parts. A. True B. False Inquires into MOPS are automatically forwarded to NCIC if: A. Only the name is used B. Only the DOB is used C. Both name and DOB are used Sections 14200-14213 of the Penal Code require local police and sheriff departments to accept any missing person report: A. Within 24 hours B. Within 4 hours C. Without delay D. When they feel like it E. None of the above STOLEN VEHICLE SYSTEM sys KINDS OF VEHICLES A/RCRAFT (EXCEPT MODELS) ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES COMMERCIAL TRUCKS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DUNE BUGG Y FARM EQUIPMENT GO-CARTS GOLF CARTS MOB/LE HOMES MOPEDS MOTORCYCLES MOTOR HOMES MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIRS MOTOR SCOOTERS PERSONAL TRUCKS SHIPPING CONTAINERS SNOWMOBILES TRAILERS KINDS OF PARTS ANY SERIALIZED COMPONENT PART OF A VEHICLE, EXCEPT RADIOS AND STEREO EQUIPMENT SVS RECORD TYPE Stolen Vehicle/Part Stolen/Lost License Plate(s) Found/Evidence Vehicle Part/Plate Pawned Vehicle Felony Vehicle/Plate Impounded Vehicle (Police Hold) Missing Persons Vehicle Stored Vehicle Reported Lost Vehicle Repossessed Vehicle Cleared/Located Vehicle RETENTION Current year plus 4 1 year past (registration) 6 months 6 months 90 days 60 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days CANNOT ENTER RECORD WITH DOT OLDER THAN IT'S RETENTION PERIOD sys INQUIRY ELEMENTS ♦ VEHICLE OR PLATES LICENSE PLATE NUMBER (LIC) VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) ENGINE NUMBER (ENO) SERIAL NUMBER (SER) OWNER APPLIED NUMBER (OAN) ♦ VEHICLE PARTS BRAND (BRA) CATEGORY (CAT) SERIAL NUMBER (SER) OWNER APPLIED NUMBER (OAN) ♦ N C I C = VIN (ENO, SER or OAN ARE INTERPRETED AS VIN) SVS Inquiry VEHICLES REGISTERED TO: LAST NAM FIRST NAM: .. _._ . 3 MI: or CMP: ADR CTY. VYR; MAKE .,,....µ„ OUT GE STATE INQUIRIES: v!.8 : BY LICENSE OR VIN LIC= ....,.,.,. LIY ... w LIT _. ` k BY NAME NAM:. CL` 4r AGE: MANDATORY FOR CANADIAN INQUIRIES: W ... -You can inquiry into SVS using the license plate, VIN, or by registered owner. -You must always put in an ID number when making an inquiry. -When running an out of state plate you need to include the state, license and year of expiration. SVS Near Miss Res A'l TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHOXXXXOo. *RP356 . #1i2024032024. IA Q ,CA049040�0.LIC/4PWX371.LI /CA ***** CLFTS RESPONSE ********* 4ROH0 09900.IA V.CA0490400.LIC/4PWX371.LIS/'C NO HITS • .0 E . WIM KM 4PWF371 CA ONE LOST/STOLEN PLATE FCN/'4301223902 794. - When you receive a NEAR MISS RESPONSE, MAKE A FCN INQUIRY ON THE NEAR MISS RECORD TO VERIFY THE SUBJECT OF INQUIRY. NO ACT I ON. should be taken on the basis of a NEAR MISS response SVS Vehicle Inquiry Masks VEHICLE INQUIRY (MULTIPLE REQUESTS) UNIT D: You can run up to six plates at once using the Vehicle Inquiry mask. ............ FILE CODE. LIC- 1 DATE:j1­'­­­­­'­11 The vehicle history inquiry mask is useful in finding information regarding past information on the vehicle. For example a previous owner. SVS REGISTRATION UNIT ID: 4N1 TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHOXXXX00.*RP292 .#172024032024.IV 4 SAM123 CLETS RESPONSE 4ROH0,352900.IV DATE: 02/16/13 TIME: 11:33 01/10/13 DOJ STOP INSURANCE INFORMATION UNKNOWN POSSIBLE FILE CODES: A( SAM123) E( SAM123) S(SAM123 REG VALID FROM: 01/26/01 TO 01/26/02 LIt#: SAM123 YRMD:71 MAKE:CHEV BTM :PU VIN :VEHICLEIDNUMBER R/O ;XAULT TIFFANY, PO BOX 932336 CITY:SACRAMENTO C.C.:34 ZIP#:94232 SOLD:01/20/71 RCID:05/20/79 OCID:05/02/79 LOCD.-G TYPE:11 POWR:G VEH :12 BODY:O CLAS:AE REC STATUS: 11/30/95 EXEMPT BY STATUTE, REGISTRATION DEFERRED RELEASE OF LIABILITY (REG. 138) RECEIPT DATE:07/04/96 TRANSFER DATE:07/01/96 SELL PRICE:001500 BUYER:XAULT REX, 2415 FIRST AVE CITY:SACRAMENTO SELLER:SAME AS R/O ON FILE RELEASE OF LIABILITY (REG. 138) RECEIPT DATE;11/08/11 TRANSFER DATE:11/0�1/11 SELL PRICE:000700 BUYER:XAULT REX, 2570 24TH STREET CITY:SACRAMENTC CA SELLER:.SAME AS R/O ON FILE Ral a a In im To I w m I m a cow. I mi, v ME WWWMITIM OFFICE WORK DATE TECH/ID SEQ # VALUE FICHE DATE TTC 022 07/31/00 00 0000 00000.00 00/00/00 F73 501 C�?/23/96 SB 0001 00000.00 PRIOR SUSPENSE END SVS Response Criteria ♦ 8 MATCHING RECORDS * NOTIFY 0111RI OF ALL HITS MIS = NOAH Contact ORI with details of inquiry. CAUTION CODES (CJIS) * * * A. Armed and Dangerous B. Caution: Armed & Dangerous: State & Notify C. Carjacking D. Caution: Detain All Occupants/Notify ORI Immediately E. Caution: Explosive in Vehicle * * * F. Both Armed & Dangerous and Hold for Latent Prints H. Caution: Hostage/Kidnapping Involved I. Caution: Armed & Dangerous Impound and Seal J. Duplicate Plate - Issued this LIC K. Cargo Involved L. Other Plate Still on Vehicle M. Mentally Disturbed N. Caution: Stake & Notify ORI Immediately * * * P. Hold for Latent Prints R. Hold for Major Investigation (See MIS Field) S. Suicidal Tendencies T. Caution: Dealer Plates (See MIS Field) V. Possible VIN Switch W. Caution: Weapons in Vehicle X. Hazardous Material * * * A, F, P to NCIC Only STOLEVEHICLE SYSTEMN THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE (SECTION 10500) AND PENAL CODE (SECTION 11108) REQUIRE ALL SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLES, WHICH ARE REPORTED TO PEACE OFFICERS AS TAKEN, STOLEN, LOST, OR RECOVERED AND LICENSE PLATES WHICH ARE STOLEN OR LOST TO BE ENTERED INTO SVS. ENTER A STOLEN VEHICLE RECORD INTO SVS.EVEN IF THE VEHICLE IS RECOVERED BEFORE THE ENTRY IS MADE. I . ENTER 2. CLEAR V /NCIC ENTRY TRANSACTION /F SVS ENTRY LEVEL FIELD (ENT) /S OMITTED, RECORD WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO TO NCIC THE ONLY RECORDS YOU MUST ENTER INTO NCIC ARE: • OUT-OF-STATE STOLEN • FELONY VEHICLE • LICENSE PLATE OTHER THAN CALIFORNIA •ENTER CAUTION CODES •ENTER STOLEN OR LOST LICENSE PLATES IF BOTH MISSING, 1 NOT BEING USED, OR CAUTION CODE L USED • ENTER AS FELONY VEHICLE ONLY IF USED IN COMMISSION OF A FELONY • MAY ENTER A VEHICLE ASSOCIATED WITH MISSING PERSON (A MOPS VEHICLE ENTRY ALSO PLACES VEHICLE INTO S VS) • MUST ENTER STORED VEHICLE IMMEDIATELY IF OWNER CANNOT BE NOTIFIED (CVC 22853) SVS VEHICLE ENTRY OR[: REF: MIS: EXNT: XRF. CA- F. VICTIM DATA: VNM VAD.- VSA-e VZP: VDP VEP': VEHICLE PART: LOST/STOLEN- FOUND/EVIDENCE- SER: fi and/or OAN: f�� .7 77� 7 77.7BRA: FF CAT: DOT: .......... MIS* . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENT: I__ VY R:F.. :XRF:I'',, sXCA. I F LICENSE PLATE: 1 LOST/STOLEN: F- 2 LOST/STOLEN: f7 FOUND/EVIDENCE- r.7 FELONY: F.7 CAUTION CO LIC: L I S: L I Y: LIT: D 0 T OCAJ .. ..... MIS: ENT:1777 XRF:r-. XCA: F-" OPTIONAL FOR ABOVE ENTRIES: LKII: LIACA: NOA: S VS ENTRY TRANSACT/ON • ENTER ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION • CHECK DMV REGISTRATION FILE • MAY ENTER AN EMBEZZLED VEHICLE IF A WARRANT IS ISSUED • MAY ENTER LEASED or RENTED VEHICLE NOT RETURNED MORE THAN 5 DAYS OVER CONTRACT WITHOUT A WARRANT S VS ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGMENT WHEN AN ENTRY TRANSACTION IS ACCEPTED BY SVS, THE COMPUTER WILL SEND AN ENTRY ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO YOUR TERMINAL. THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CONTAINS THE FCN AND THE COMPLETE SVS RECORD. COMPARE WITH YOUR MASTER CASE RECORD. IF INCORRECT= CORRECT THE RECORD. FCN NEEDED FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT UPDATES. S VS MODIF Y TRANSACT/ON • Only the contributor or DOJ can modify. • Cannot modify once a locate or clear transaction is placed. • Cannot modify MKE, ORI, FCN, AID, and XRF fields. • Any modification in MIS field supersedes original contents. Must re-enter original information to be retained. SVS VEHICLE MODIFY FCN . _..:. OCA . FIEF: MIS: MODIFY CLEAR/LOCATE RECORDS. LAC: DOL or DOC: REF: DELETE A LOCATE: LOC: OPTIONAL FIELDS: VLN: STA V CANCEL TRANSACTION Reasons to cancel a record MASTER CASE RECORD IS LOST, MISPLACED, OR UNAVAILABLE FOR HIT CONFIRMATION. • ORIGINAL REPORT IS DUBIOUS OR UNFOUNDED. • RECORD ENTERED WITH WRONG MKE (E.G., STOLEN ENTERED AS STORED), CANCEL AND RE-ENTER. • A FELONY VEHICLE RECORD IS LOCATED. • SER OF OUTSTANDING STOLEN PART IS SAME AS VIN OF RECOVERED (CLEARED) VEHICLE. CANNOT CANCEL A LOCATED RECORD. MUST CLEAR, THEN CANCEL. NOTE: WHEN YOU CANCEL A BASE RECORD, SVS AUTOMATICALLY CANCELS ALL THE ASSOCIATE RECORDS SVS CLEAR TRANSACT/ON RECOVERED.Use the CLEAR transaction to remove a record from active status when the vehicle, vehicle part, or license plate has been •A CLEARED STOLEN VEHICLE RECORD WILL REMAIN IN SVS FOR 30 DAYS IN "CLEAR STATUS". ALL OTHER CLEARED RECORDS ARE PURGED BY COMPUTER. • MUST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY VICTIM OF LOCATION AND CONDITION OF RECOVERED VEHICLE BY TELEPHONE. IF UNSUCCESSFUL, THEN WITHIN 24 HOURS BY MAIL (CVC 10500) • ONLY THE ENTERING AGENCY OR DOJ MAY CLEAR A RECORD IN LOCATE OR ACTIVE STATUS. When you receive a Notice of Clear: • COMPARE IT WITH THE MASTER CASE RECORD. • IF STILL AN OUTSTANDING STOLEN, CANCEL AND RE- ENTER THE RECORD. Stolen vehicle parts or license records are cancelled when cleared SVS LOCATE TRANSACTIONS Use a LOCATE transaction when your agency has RECOVERED a vehicle, part, orplate. YOU CANNOT PLACE A LOCATE ON A RECORD ENTERED BY YOUR OWN AGENCY - YOU MUST CLEAR THE RECORD. *CONFIRM before placing a locate • Improperly placed or failure to place locate could result in LEGAL LIABILITY • IMMEDIATELY notify ORI of record of location and condition of vehicle (10500 CVC) • Notify R/O and L/O of location and condition of vehicle if stored (22852 CVC) • Only the locating agency can correct a locate placed in error. • A status code (STA) is mandatory *Use NCIC locate format if the located vehicle is in NCIC only (NOT IN CJIS) SVS CANCEL ORI: _....._._ . __..._ FCN: or NIC: COCA: LOCATE: BASE RECORD: F- ASSOCIATE RECORD: J7 OUT OF STATE PLATE: AID: STA r77 DORT—F- F RCA: REF: GLEAM LOCATED RECORD: BASE RECORD: 17 ASSOCIATE RECORD: AID: DCL. CLEAN: BASE RECORD: 17 ASSOCIATE RECORD: .. AID: f STA: ` DCL: « RRI: ....... _._.. ....._ .Ww RCA: ` REF: OPTIONAL FIELDS FOR LOCATE/CLEAR RPP. ....,........_. _ _ ..e NPA: VO}xry MnAtlFfWWsr"A1" V , •"• +�+� CANCEL: BASE RECORD: ASSOCIATE RECORD: AID. DC:►Ci ._... _._ . RSI 'M•�"'N�...5 ..: .'"""ri.'.^"Y.+r'M1""!!Mrfv""rw'y'.'�,!.,""w^v! ., m'Ivk4^ir.nrr';s^...+n.•n.'S+r.-•..e..u..,..,«.«w.,.......+��+•.+..,.mw+..........nwe+nw......��er+....err....,+..ran....e.«......m-n.......m.•++....�.............n.�.m.wm�uwww�+ww..+.+r....�..++m.+....... Remember you locate another agencies record. You clear located record located by another agency. You clear your own record you located yourself and you cancel if you made a mistake. $.8. (Dollar Sign Eight) Records NCIC sends a $.8. message to DOJ whenever a California registered vehicle is entered into the NCIC Vehicle, Wanted Person, or Missing Person Files by another state. • If the vehicle is stolen, DOJ enters a record in SVS • To confirm a hit, contact the ORI listed in the MIS field • Do not make SVS entry if victim reports California registered vehicle was stolen in another state • If your inquiry matches a $.8. record, SVS will forward to NCIC (NCIC response should be same as SVS) $.8. (Dollar Sign Eight) Record Hit INQUIRY MATCH: ON LIC/3AM123 STOLEN VEHICLE LIC/SAM123 LIS/CA LIY/2005 LIT/PC 1971 CHEV TK PR RED VIN/VEHICLEIDNUMBER CRI/CA0349457 OCA/DOJ-TEST2413 FCN/1861301001874 DOT/20130110 NIC/V12345789 MIS/DO NOT LOCATE OR CANCEL - DOJ TEST RECORD NOA/N ENT'/DOLLAR EIGHT CAUTION OUT OF STATE RECORD - AWAITING NCIC RESPONSE IMMEDIATELY CONFIRM WITH ORI/CA0349457 ATU STOLEN VEH/ABS UNIT MNE/ATUO TELEPHONE 916 227-368 * * * * * * * * VICTIM DATA VNM/DOJ,TEST RECORD DOJ 1 0 1 ■ 9 [,1 ki *4 k WHEN A STOLEN OR FELONY VEHICLE ENTRY IS ACCEPTED BY THE DOJ SVS, THE CORRESPONDING DMV VEHICLE REGISTRATION RECORD IS FLAGGED STOP = Stolen vehicle record entered with VIN and LIC# RESTRAINT = Stolen vehicle record entered with VIN only REFERRAL = Vehicle is a FELONY VEHICLE, or a stolen with caution code ARMED and DANGEROUS STOP RESTRAINT REFERRAL DMV HIT UNIT' ID: 4N1 TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHOXXXX00.*RP292 .#172024032024.IV 4 SAM123 CLETS RESPONSE 4ROH0352900.IV DATE: 02/16/13 TIME: 11:33 01/10/13 DOS STOP INSURANCE INFORMATION UNKNOWN POSSIBLE FILE CODES: A( SAM123) E( SAM123) S(SAM123 REG VALID FROM: 01/26/01 TO 011/26/02 LIt#: SAM123 YRMD:71 MAKE:CHEV BTM :PU VIN :VEHICLEIDNUMBE,R R/O :XAULT TIFFANY, PC BOX 932336 CITY:SACRAMENTO C.C.:34 ZIP#:94232 SOLD:01/20/71 RCID:05/20/79 OCID:05/02/79 LOCD.-G TYPE:11 POWR:G VEH :12 BODY:O CLAS:AE REC STATUS: 11/30/95 EXEMPT BY STATUTE, REGISTRATION DEFERRED RELEASE OF LIABILITY (REG. 138) RECEIPT DATE,:107/04/96 TRANSFER DATE:07/01/96 SELL PRICE:001500 BUYER:XAULT REX, 2415 FIRST AVE CITY:SACRAMENTO SELLER:SAME AS R/O ON FILE RELEASE OF LIABILITY (REG. 138) RECEIPT DATE:11/08/11 TRANSFER DATE:11/01/11 SELL PRICE:000700 BUYER:XAULT REX, 2570 24TH STREET ,CITY:SACRAMENTO CA SELLER:.SAME AS R/O ON FILE l5*jva, FEW v Will No WoM 1TITI-M OFFICE WORK DATE TECH/ID SEQ # VALUE FICHE DATE "ITC 022 07/31/00 00 0000 00000.00 00/00/00 F73 501 07/23/96 SB 0001 00000.00 PRIOR SUSPENSE END In Stored and Impounded vehicle records, which data field should be used to enter the place of vehicle storage and telephone contact information? A. Miscellaneous field B. Reference field C. Both of the above D. None of the above The entry of a stolen vehicle record into the SVS is not required if the vehicle is recovered before the entry is made, A. True B. False When a positive (stolen) response to an inquiry on a vehicle is received, what is the first action that should be taken A. The officer has reasonable cause to book the driver and all occupants of the vehicle B. The officer has reasonable cause to book only the driver C. A locate message should be entered by the locating agency D. The entering agency should be immediately contacted to confirm the vehicle is still a valid stolen In the Stolen Vehicle System, what does NOAH imply on a response? A. No One at Home B. Notify ORI of All Hits C. There's going to be a storm AUTOMATED BOAT SYSTEM AUTOMATED BOAT SYSTEM (ABS, KINDS OF WATERCRAFT: :7X&I SHIPS YACHTS JET SKIS MOTORIZED SURFBOARDS WIND -POWERED SURFBOARDS KINDS OF PARTS0. RAFTS CANOES HYDROFOILS KAYAKS SAILBOATS COMMERCIAL BOATS ANY SERIALIZED COMPONENT PART OF A BOAT TYPE OF RECORD Stolen Boat/Part Stored/Impounded Repossessed Boat Reported Lost Boat Cleared Boat Located Boat RETENTION Current year + 4 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days INQUIRYELEMENTS BOATS: Registration Number (REG) Boat Hull Number (BHN) Engine Number (ENG) Owner Applied Number (OAN) Serial Number (SER) BOAT PARTS: Serial Number (SER) Owner Applied Number (OAN) Category (CAT) Brand (BRA) NCIC: REG or BHN (ENG=SER=OAN are interpreted as BHN) RESPONSE CRITERIA • UP TO 8 MATCHING RECORDS • NEAR MISS = FCN INQUIRY • NOAH CONTACT OR/ AUTOMATED PROPERTY SYSTEM 1 �� f 4E ,'> TYPE OF RECORD STOLEN CREDIT CARD STOLEN, LOST, EVIDENCE, AND PROPERTY OTHER THAN CREDIT CARD UNDER OBSERVATION AND FOUND PROPERTY OTHER THAN CREDIT CARD PAWN OR BUY PROPERTY RETENTION 6 MONTHS (APS Only) 3 YEARS (Lost & Evidence - APS Only) 1 YEAR (APS Only) 6 MONTHS (APS Only) A PS INQ UIR Y ELEMENTS 0 SER OR OAN AND 0 NCIC: SER OR OAN AND CAT AND ART * UP TO 12 MATCHING RECORDS APS INQUIRY UNIT ID: ... .... ...... . ............. ...... . ....... ' SER: OAN: 'FCN: ,FOR PROPERTY INQUIRY.* Typ* BRA: RSH: BICYCLE INQUIRY: GEN:• SPO: BRA: RSH: IIIIr R�vMvrMM: v'++.'�� v�'^+a.� MANDATORY FOR CANADIAN INQUIRY: F7ER: TYP: RSN: 7 Spps: When inquiring in APS a SER or OAN is required as well as, TYP or BRA You can inquire on bicycle and must enter a GEN and SPD APS INQUIRY HIT 0 UNIT ID: 4N1 TRANSACTION SENT; ; ROROXXXXOO . *R.P292 . #172018032050. IP AB. CA0490400 . SER/ .2345 7 . TYP/O'TYPE;WR ** ** **** CLETSI RESPONSES*** 4ROH0358200.' BPS INQUIRY SER/1.234567 RESPONSE TO QAB INQUIRY DATA IN APS STOLEN FCN/431110760I SER/1.234567 TYP/OTYPEWR BRA/IBM ENT/1. ORI/C'A0349900 CHP-SACT'O COMM CTR M E/SRMC TELEPHONE 916 5 1-1299 EST/0000 DOT/2011.0317 OCR./TEST ***CHECKING NCIC*** END OF APS RESPONSE APS ENTRY PROPERTY ENTRY: TYP: ., ......_... w .. BRA: To enter property a SER or OAN is required plus TYP and BRA, OCA, DOT, DCD and ENT To enter a bike a SER or OAN is required plus GEN, SPD, BRA, OCA, DOT, DCD and ENT An update APS table is available on the CLEW website. A PS LOCATE/CANCEL FCN: .. r NNC• rr o.�...... .aCA. a. w.�......._. �. �,.Ma .. . ...... ... .. GROUP RECORD: FIRST' SRR: LAST SER: ... LOCATE: DOR: .._.... ._ RCA' CLEAR: DCLT77 RRI RCA: OPTIONAL FIELDS FOR LOCATE AND CLEAR: (FILL IN ONLY IF ENTRY LEVEL 2) RFP. NPA NPF'_ VNP: VOR: VRC: CANCEL: DOC: RPP Remember: You locate another agencies record You clear your own located record You cancel your own record if entered in error . � �. �1 � o. / . � �. �A, o.. �, �I. 4 .. �I ICI. 4 .. A11TOMATED FIREARMS SYSTEM AFS KINDS OF WEAPONS (BY CODE AND TYPE) A CANNON B SUBMACHINE GUN P PISTOL R RIFLE C RIFLE/SHOTGUN COMBOS SHOTGUN G GRENADE K ROCKET MACHINE GUN MORTAR T TEAR GAS GUN V SILENCER Z ALL OTHERS WEAPONS OR FIREARMS THAT CANNOT BE DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE TYPES, I.E., TASER AFS LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORD TYPES EVIDENCE FOUND INSTITUTIONAL WEAPON REGISTRATION LOST (CALIFORNIA ONLY) STOLEN UNDER OBSERVATION RETAINED FOR OFFICIAL USE DESTROYED AFS HISTORICAL RECORD TYPES BUY OR TRADE CONSIGNMENT VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION SOLD AT AUCTION * DEALER'S RECORD OF SALE (DROS) * SERIAL NUMBER ASSIGNED * SERIAL NUMBER RESTORED * LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED WEAPON (CCW) * ASSAULT WEAPON REGISTRATION *ENTERED BY DOJ ONLY AFS INQUIRY ELEMENTS LAW ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION SER OR FCN OR OCA HISTORICAL INFORMATION NAME AND DOB OR AGE OR SER OR � NC.ICm.. SER FCN OR OCA UP TO 12 MATCHING RECORDS AFSAFS RETENTION INDEFINITE OR UNTIL CANCELLED FOUND LOST STOLEN INSTITUTIONAL REGISTRATION RETAINED FOR OFFICIAL USE DESTROYED DEALER'S RECORD OF SALE (DROS) SERIAL NUMBER ASSIGNED SERIAL NUMBER RESTORED VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION ASSAULT WEAPON REGISTRATION wil 3 YEAR RETENTION EVIDENCE UNDER OBSERVATION CCW LICENSE PAWN BUY OR TRADE CONSIGNMENT SOLD AT AUCTION AFS INQUIRY UNIT ID: LAW ENFORCEMENT: 2 HISTORY: R 'SERIAL NUMBER INQUIRY: T7-_RS .� k MAIL:F CAL: TYp FILE CONTROL NUMBER INQUIRY FCI'. ORIGINATING CASE AGENCY INQUIRY; OCA: NAME INQUIRY. NAM— DOB: B: : Or AGE: _m.., When inquiring in AFS you must enter a serial number or FCN or OCA. Since serial numbers are not unique it is often necessary to narrow the search by including a make, caliber etc. AFS HIT RESPONSE UNIT ID: 4NI TRANSACTION SENT: 3ROHOXXXXOO.*RP292 .#1'72018032050.IG QGB.CA0490400.SER/TEST123456 CLETS RESPONSE 4P,OH0355300-IG CA0490400 RE: SER/TEST123456 RESPONSE TO QGB INQUIRY DATA IN RFS. * FIREARM OWNERSHIP RECORD SER/TEST123456 MAK/SW SMITH AND WESSON CAL/38 TYP/Pl PISTOL SEMI -AUTOMATIC MOD/DET SP DOT/20120503 NAM/RECORD,CALTFORNTA TEST DOB/19550505 OLN/A1234567 ADR/4949 BROADWAY CTY/SACRAMENTO ST/CA ZIP/95620 CCC/3400 ORI/CA0349401 - CA DOJ-SUPV RELEASE FILE OCA/TEST03 MIS/DOJ TEST RECORD FCN/1861212401423 _* CRIME GUN SER/TEST123456 MAK/CLT COLT CAL/357 TYP/PR PISTOL REVOLVER MOD/PYTHON DOT/20010320 BSL/4 XRF/123456TEST _*** RECOVERY INFORMATION RELATED TO CRIME GUN OFF/1201 OFN/SMITH,JOHN WPA/N IPW/Y COT/34 SACRAMENTO CTY/SACRAMENTO **-k- POSSESSOR/SUSPECT INFORMATION RELATED TO CRIME GUN NAM/POSSESSOR,JOHN DOB/19480520 OLN/AO123456 ORI/CA0349451 - DOJ AUTOMATED FIREARMS OCA/TESTI MIS/ROBS 2105 MAIN FCN/1860332200761 EVIDENCE SER/TEST123456 MALE/SW SMITH AND WESSON CAL/38 TYP/21 PISTOL SEMI -AUTOMATIC MOD/DET SP DOT/19990607 BBL/4 ORT/CA0349451 - DOJ AUTOMATED FIREARMS OCA/TE3T01 NOA/N MIS/DOJ TEST RECORD FCN/1860012401112 * STOLEN SER/TEST123456 MAK/SW SMITH AND WESSON CAL/38 TYP/PI PISTOL SEMI -AUTOMATIC MOD/DET SP DOT/19980105 ENT/1 BBL/4 ORT/CA03.19451 -- DOT AUTOMATED FIREARMS OCA/TEST02 NOA/N MIS/DOJ TEST RECORD FCN/1869800500363 IMMEDIATELY CONFIRM WITH CA0349451 DOJ AUTOMATED FIREARMS MNEIDOJO TELEPHONE 916 227-3589 CHECKING NCIC END A,FS RESPONSE. AFS ENTRY "ER; x .. MAK: CAL F� YPF' ENT:44DaDOT.- F-7Q�CA ..,, �,r,x.»,�,=�:r•Li"Wrr'W�+rW.uU�IVil1u4M� � MOD: RIRLa XRFr FRFr Y ... ,........w ...�.,... . ...... .......... ...w n'IKII J" ., HISTORICAL ENTRY; NAM: ADRr r /y ruuu++rwuua1.w+wawuuuwa�a rw.ar+wwaww.y �� r ZIP: r. S DOB: CCCa EST. �caary �'aw�tiMrawwrw�wr ii,,,��wy�,YY� �aa�rp 11{ll{'q,r/NN�' OLNr SOCa MNUa X When entering a gun the following fields are required: SER, MAK, CAL, TYP, DCD, DOT, OCA, ENT, and MOD CRIME GUNS Recovered firearms that were known to be used in a crime, suspected of being used in a crime, or illegally possessed Pursuant to California Pena/ Code section 1 1 108, 3, this information is to be entered into AFS by the law enforcement agency that has possession of the gun, AFS CRIME GUN ENTRY POSSESSOR INFORMATION (OPTIONAL): NAM: DOB: F-, OLN: SSB: F7777SPD: f,,. SSN: I SSS: 1 SKIN: f 'SAN:F STY: f. SST: SZP: MIS: SIF: BNO: AFS LOCATE/CANCEL ORI: FCN: or NIC: w COCA: � DER: __ _ ...v_....m4 .. ,.,.m ............. _. LOCATE RECORD: RCA: DOR: CLEAR: DCL: ... _... RRI:..... RCA: OPTIONAL FIELDS FOR LOCATEXLEAR: s RPP, NPA: ,..w NPF: } VNP, ...... VOR CANCEL. M�/�4MiPYMitIKA/iWfllY(IfIrN(OYYtlutwWf/ DOC: RPP: F Remember: You locate another agencies record You clear your own located record You cancel your own record if entered in error Inquiries made on the will forward to the NCIC: A. Subject's name B. Serial number C. Both subject's name and serial number How long is the retention period for firearm records entered as Safekeeping, Under Observation, Lost or Stolen, and Buy? A. 90 days B. 6 months C. One year D. Indefinitely or until cancelled Crime Gun records include records of: A. Firearms associated with suicides/attempted suicides B. Firearms with obliterated serial numbers C. Firearms used/suspected in a crime D. Illegally possessed firearms E. All the above Prior to the release of a weapon, should agencies run an AFS name inquiry on individuals even if they MENTAL HEALTH FIREARMS PROHIBITION SYSTEM MHFPS •Certain voluntary or involuntary commitments to a mental health facility •Attending psychotherapist reports to local law enforcement of a patient making a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim • Superior court judgments concerning mental incompetency •A response from MHFPS will indicate personal descriptor information and that the person may be subject to a MHFP MHFPS RESTRICTIONS ACCESS TO THIS DATABASE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INVOLVING THE ACQUISITION, CARRYING OR POSSESSION OF FIREARMS IS UNAUTHORIZED AND PROHIBITED BY LAW O DO NOT ARREST BASED O SOLELY ON THIS RESPONSE 0 (WIC CODES 8100=810 0 MHFPS NAME INQUIRY MANDATORY: NAM, DOBorAGE and RTE OPTIONAL: RAC and HGT NUMERIC INQUIRY MANDATORY: SOC, or CDL, or IDN, or FBI and RTE MHFPS RESPONSE • SUBJECT'S NAME, PDR, IDENTIFYING NUMBERS and • MESSAGE THAT PERSON.MA'l BE SUBJECT TO A PROHIBITION SPECIFIC MENTAL HEALTH PROHIBITION NOT SHOWN. OBTAIN FROM DOJ ARMED PROHIBITED PERSON SYSTEM Armed Prohibited Person System SERVICES • Assist local law enforcement agencies with additional information on persons of interest who have been identified as armed and prohibited by law from possessing firearms. • Provide detailed person reports about prohibited persons located in the 58 counties of the state. • Provide county date range reports on all persons who have been newly designated as being armed and prohibited in the county during a designated period of time. • Provide periodic county reports on an as -needed basis. • Provide monthly reports to law enforcement agencies through APPS Secure Electronic Mailbox. Armed Prohibited Person System Inquiry NAME SEARCH: NAM:[1,7"­ . ........... I .......... ...... DOB: or AGE; _.... GUNQUERY' SER,.......,....,......,..........................,....,..k MAW To inquire enter a Name and DOB or AGE. You can also inquire by numeric identifier. Armed Prohibited Person System UNIT ID; 4F40 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKIXXXXOG.*RP356 .#172024032024.IR: ;?VC.CA0490400 NAM,✓ /M.DOB/03031973.APP/Y ****** *** CLETS RESPONSE*r***** 4AZKI102000.IY RE; QYP.CA0490400 NAM/ RESPONSE TO QYP INQUIRY DATA IN APPS. 4l '« ffl* r SEX/M DOB/19790404 IDN/CDL�I RAC /WHITE HGT/6' 1" NGT/350 LBS (NOTE: FOR. DETAIL LISTINGS OF WEAPONS INQUIRE APPS BY IDN ------------------------------- DISCLAIMER --------------------------_----- DO NOT ARREST BASED SOLELY ON THIS RESPONSE ,THIS RESPONSE IDENTIFIES ONLY HANDGUNS AND ASSAULT WEAPONS PURCHASED BY OR REGISTERED TO THE SUBJECTf AND DOES NOT INCLUDE LONG GUNS OR OTHER FIREARMS POSSIBLY POSSESSED BY SUBJECT FOR FIREARM OWNERSHIP/REGISTRATION INFORMATION REGARDING NONPROHIBITED SUBJECTS, INQUIRE TO THE AUTOMATED FIREARM SYSTEM. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT THE BUREAU.OF FIREAR.MS.AT'. (916 ) 227-3944 END APPS RESPONSE. MIFIFPS/APPS REVIEW G. Prior to entering a --Firearm vwnersnip,, record into the D. All the above What data fields are required when submitting a QYN inquiry to the APPS. A. Agency contact name CRIMINAL HISTORY SYSTEM CRIMINAL OFFENDER RECORD INFORMATION (CORI) ACCESS REQUIREMENTS "NEED TO KNOW" and "RIGHT TO KNOW" DOJ FINGERPRINT CHECKS RESTRICTIONS CENTRAL VALLEY v. YOUNGER APPLICANT FINGERPRINTS REQUIRED UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS and MISUSE ROUTE FIELD AUDIT TRAIL and THIRD PARTY RELEASE DESTRUCTION Criminal History System (ACHS) Auto Manual U F ,Y-7�7- Automated ApplicantAutomated Records RecordsRecords (PDR) (PDR) (PDR) Criminal Master Na e Index and MiscellaneousNumbers) � a, CLETS ■ ■ MAIL BACK ■ ■ ■ MAIL BACK CHS (CONTINUED) MNI INQUIRY ELEMENTS ♦ NAME SEARCH MANDATORY; NAM, SEX, DOB or AGE, and RTE OPT/OVAL; RAC, HGT, EYE, HAI ♦ NUMER IC SEARCH FBI, or INN, or SOC, or OLN, and RTE CHS (CONTINUED) MNI SEARCH CRITERIA * LASTNAME= SOUNDER FIRSTNAME= DIMUNITIVES SEX= M or F, BUT °°X" RECOMMENDED DOI?= PLUS or MINUS 3 YEARS � AGE= CURRENT YEAR (+ or -) 3 YEARS UP TO 12 POSSIBLE MATCHES 0 0 E CHANGES TO THE AUTOMATED CRIMINAL HISTORY SYSTEM (ACHS) IMPLEMENTED MAY 159 1997 DISPOSITION RECORD INFORMATION FELONY CONVICTION (STRIKE) INFORMATION RECORD CHANGES IMPOSED BY ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PROCESSING REGISTRATION INFORMATION CRIMINAL HISTORY INQUIRY STA: ZIP OUT OF STATE INQUIRIES: ETA_ 2:. STA.3: STA 4: STA 5,, STA �I : ... ._�. _ ._ . _ CANADIAN NUMERIC INQUIRY: FPS: CRIMINAL HISTORY RESPONSE UNIT ID: RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKJXXXX00.*RP298 .#1720180320,52.IH QHA,CA0490400.NAM/XP,AY,TEST.SEX/X.DOB/19550505.RTE/RP298 TEST RECORD 298 RP298 CLETS RESPONSE 4AZKJ05c900.IH RE:QHA.CA0490400.NAM/XRAY,TEST.SE DATE:20130220 TTME:18:47:12 RESTRICTED -DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN:RP298 TEST RECORD 298 R2298 RECORD # NAM DOB S R HGT EYE HAT TYP A9900,0015 XRAY,TEST 19550505 X W 508 BRO BRO UNK 599999998 XRAY,TEST 19530103 M P 510 XXX XXX DSP M9900,0002 XRAY,TEST 19530110 X W 600 BRO BRO A99000014 XRAY,TEST 19530111 X W 508 BRO BRO H9900,0012 XRAY,TEST 19530113 F 0 600 BLU BRO A99000010 XRAY,TEST 19530116 X X 510 BRO BR10 APP A99000005 XRAY,TEST LONG RECORD 19530115 M H 600 BRO BRO DSP: NON -FINGERPRINT SUPPORTED RECORD END OF MESSAGE This is the initial response you get back when running a criminal history. A9900015- is an automated fingerprint supported Criminal History that matches our request 59999998- is a DSP (non fingerprint supported record M9900002- is a manual record H9900012- is a hybrid record- half automated and half manual DSP RECORDS UNIT 117: RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKJXXXX00,*RP298 .#172018032052.IH QHY.CA0190400.D$F/599999998.RTE/RP298 TEST RECORD RP298 CLEFS RESPONSE 4AZKJ05dd00. III RE: QHY.CA04910400.DSP,/599999998.RT DATE:20130220 TIME:18:52:23 RESTRICTED -DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT,LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN:RP298 TEST RECORD RP298 THIS RECORD IS BASED UPON AN ARREST OR COURT DISPOSITION REPORT. THE LACK OF FINGERPRINTS PREVENTS PCSITTVE IDENTIFICATION. USE OF THIS INFORMATION IS THE RECETVERS, RESPONSIBILITY. DSP/599999998 DOB/198901011 SEX/M PAC/GUAMANIAN HGT/510 WGT/150 EYE/XXX HAI/XXX POB/XX NAM/01 JUVTEST,INN 02 CJUVTEST,INN 03 BJ(JVTEST,INN 04 DJUVTEST,INN 05 XRAY,TEST DOB/19530103 CDL/ZO012345 SOC/2'12121212 ARR/DET/CITE: NAM:03, 1,9980101- CAPD ALHAMBRA CNT:01 #X3433 211 PC -ROBBERY COURT: NAM: 0 1 19980105 CASC LOS ANGELES CENTRAL CNT:01-03 #X999101 211 PC -ROBBERY *DISPO:CONVICTED SEN: 3 YEARS PRISON END OF MESSAGE DSP records will contain a single entry and will contain a warning or notice regarding the lack of fingerprint substantiation. CRIMINAL HISTORY RESPONSE UNIT ID. RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKJXXXX00.*RP298 , #172018032052.IH QHY.CA0490400.99000015.RP298 TEST RECORD 298 RP298 CLINE RESPONSE 4AZKJ05cb00.IH RE: QBY.CA0490400.99000015.RP298 T DATE:201.30220 TIME:18:47:47 PT,STRICTFD--DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, L ICENS ING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSEti A,rrN:Rp298 TE,$'r RECORD 298 RP298 THE FOLLOWING CII NUMBER(S) IS BEING CONSOLIDATED WITH THIS CII RECORD: CII/99000012, 99008467 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * * A * * * * * * * * *^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * n * * . DO NOT COLLECT DNA. DNA SAMPLE HAS BEEN RECEIVrD, TYPED, AND UPLOADED INTO THE CAL -DNA DATA BANK. VOR INFO C510) 620-3300 OR PC296.PC296@DCJ.CA.GCV. k THIS PERSON HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A VICTIM OF IDENTITY THEuT, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT' THE DOJ COMMAND CENTER AT (916) 227-3244 PALM PRINTS AVAILABLE AT DOJ FOR. PALM PRINTS CONTACT PALM.PRTN']'@DOJ.CA.GOV **"ALERT -- THIS SUBJECT IS UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH (CA/DMH) -- IF IN YOUR CUSTODY, CONTACT CA/DMH IMMEDIATI.,',LY AT 1(8001) 877-0277, 24 HOURS - 7 DAYS A WEEK. 7.11 CALIFORNIA ONLY SOURCE RECORD DECEASED HOMICIDE AIDS Th.,ST RESULTS ON FILE AT DOJ PER 1202.1 PC CII/A990001015 DOB/19540119 SEX/X RAC/WUITP UG,v/508 WGT/135 li,YE/BRO HAI/BRO POB/CA NAM/01 XRAY,TEST 02 RSCORD,TEST USER 03 RECORD,USER 04 RECORD, T U 05 RECORDS, USED 91--lST 06 RECORU,CALIFORNIA TEST 08 XRAY,T moN/BiG JOHN; TESTY FBI/9001000 DOB/19590715 19600915 19530909 19541016 19550505 19550709 19530114 CDI,/P0626473 H0055500 A0025500 ION/C0040540 SOC/987654323 000000056 900000007 5263249 63 INN/CDC-1000115 CDC-X099999 CR.C-3033000 CYA-YO93333 MNU/OLN AZ-12345 SMT'/MISS L FGR; TAT ABDOM; TAT L ANKL; TAT L WRS; TAT LF ARM; TAT UR ARM MDS/CON 99000000; HAIR -GRAYING; NUMEROUS TATTOOS; SURGICAL SEX CHANGE OCC/BRICK LAYER; COOK; PAINTER REGISTRATION: NAM ,01 19790506 CAPD NATIONAL CITY CNT:01 #1-2020 290 PC -REGISTRATION OF SEX OFFENDER FOR CTJT-',Rl-,NT REGIs,rRAN,r ADORMSS INFORMAT7oN rNQuiRE THE VC: IN SYSTEM DIVERSION: NAM .01 1.9730908 CAPR LOS ANGELES CNT.01 #X98796 113S2(A) HS-TRANSPORT/SFI,I, NARC/CNTL SUB COM: 6 MO DIVERSION ARR/DET/CITE: NAM. 02 19731009 CAPD SAN FRANCISCO CNT.01 #270000 BUY/SELL ARTICLES W/IDENT REMOVED COM: C1-IRG-537F, (A) PC CNT:02 496.I PC-RECEIVE/ETC, KNOWN S'rOLFNl PROPERTY COM: CHRG-3 ADD CNTS OF 496, 1 PC CNT:03 487.3 PC -GRAND THEFT:Aura 19731010 DISPC):P,F,LEAS&,D/DF,'I'ENU'I(DN ONLY CNT: 04 192.3(A) PC-VEII MANSL W/GROSS NEGrlGENCE COURT: NAM: 02 19740102 CASC SAN FRANCISCO CO CNT.01 ff-84321 537E(A) PC-BUY/SF_TT_ ARTICLES W/IDPNT REMOVED OF JUSTICE CNT: 02 496.1 PC-RECEIVE/ETC KNOWN STOLEN PROPERTY DfSPO:DISMISSED/FTJR'THERANCE OF 7USTICE ,:NT: 03 192.3(A) RC-VEH MANSL W/GROSS NEGLIGENCE *IDISPO: CONVICTE-117 CUSTODY:CYA NAM.02 1.9740502 CAYA PERKINS HYBRID RECORD RESPONSE UNIT ID. RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKJXXXX00.1RP298 .4172018032052.1H QT3Y,CAQ490400.990000I2.RP2'98 TEST RECORD 298 CLETS RESPONSE 4AZXJ064000.IH BE: QHY.CA0490400.99000012.RP298 T DATLi:20130220 TIME:19:29.14 REs,rr2ic,rcD-DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION L-uRPOSEs A'I'TN.RP298 TEST RECORD 298 C11/990000,12 - THIS RECORD IS PARTIALLY AUTOMATED. CONTACT COMMAND CENTER AT (916) 22'7-3244 (24-HR. 7 DAYS) FOR MORE RECORD HISTORY INFORMATION IN THE MANUAL CRIMINAL HISTORY FOLDER, WRICH MAY PARTIALLY DUPLICATE INFORMATION IN THIS RECORD. A. k * * . 11 * * * * ^ I it I -k , -, *..A..* * -' -k -), A- -A -A A- -A- * A- A * -A -A A. A -* * A- * A- A- * A `k -A A- -A"* -A- * * * A- k 'k k ,' A- , ,,, A * 'k 'k k .k FOR CALIFORNIA AGENCIES ONLY - COLLECT DNA IF PC290 SEX OR PC44,)'7.1 ARSON REGISTRANT. REQUEST KITS AND I'NFO AT (510) 620-3300 OB PC296.PC296@DOJ.CA.G0V * * * * * * k * * -A� - - A- + * * * -* * * * -* * k -k * -* -k -A- -k -k -k -A- * -k -A- * -k -k * -k A- -k -k * -k k & -k -k -k CIT/H99000012 DOB/19540419 SJ."'XIF RAC/OTHER HGT/600 WGT/200 EYE/BLU HAI/BRO Poa/"'rx NAM/01 TEST,RECORD 02 MORETEST, RECORD 03 ONLINE, RFC'01�0 04 XRAY,TEST DO13/19540119 195301,13 CDL/P0090911 SOC/2349956'78 SMT/TA'f L ARM ARR/DET/CITE; NAM:01 DOB:3.9540119 19970303 CASO SACBAMENTO CN`: 01. #S559955 484(A) L-C-THRFT COURT: NAM: 01 19970310 CASC SACRAMENTO Ct,ZT:01 #C'7685 484 (A) PC-'-T>T,7TTY THEFT DIS PO: DISMISSED/ FOJI Plf-,EA TO OTHER CHARGE CNT: 02 241.7 PC--ASSAUl,'r ON JURORS I S P 0. CON V I CT ti: D -A- FEND O7' MESSAGE RECORD CONSOLIDATION Fri Jun 4 15:47:50 1999 4CLXE023124.1 H RE: QHY.CA0349470.99000015.FOS-RAP DATE:19990604 TIME: 15:45:32 RESTRICTED- DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN: FOS-RAP SHEET TRAINING THE FOLLOWING C11 NUMBER(S) IS BEING CONSOLIDATED WITH THIS CII RECORD: CII/ 99000012 CII/A99000015 DOB/19540119 SEX/X RAC/WHITE HGT/508 WGT/135 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO NAM/01 XRAY, TEST POB/CA LIVE SCAN FLAG A live scan flag denotes that fingerprint images for all ten rolled fingers, and flats for all fingers have been received and meet the minimum standards for fingerprint images. Fri Jun 4 15:47:50 1999 4CLXE023124.1 H RE: QHY.CA0349470.99000015.FOS-RAP DATE:19990604 TIME: 15:45:32 RESTRICTED- DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN: FOS-RAP SHEET TRAINING * * LIVE SCAN CII/A99000015 DOB/19540119 SEX/X RAC/WHITE HGT/508 WGT/135 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO POB/CA NAM/01 XRAY, TEST DOCUMENT CONTROL NUMBERS Fri Jun 4 15:47:50 1999 ----------------------------------------- 4CLXE023124.IH RE: OHY.CA0349470.99000015.FOS-RAP DATE:19990604 TIME: 15:45:32 RESTRICTED- DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN: FOS-RAP SHEET TRAINING CIIIA99000015 DO13119540119 SEX/X RAC/WHITE HGT/508 WGT/135 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO POB/CA NAM/01 XRAY, TEST ARR/DET/CITE: 19960101 CNT:01 CAPD LOMITA #63-1176Y 459 PC -BURGLARY COM: SCN-SP211961001 -COURT: NAM:01 NAME:01 19960131 CASC LOS ANGELES CENTRAL CNT:01 #Y63777 459 PC -BURGLARY *DISPO: CONVICTED CONV STATUS: FELONY SEN: 13 MONTHS PRISON COM: DCN-1234567891234567890 CHS (CONTINUED) REGISTRATION INFORMATION Fri Jun 4 15:47:50 1999 4CLXE023124.IH RE: QHY.CA0349470.99000015.FOS-RAP DATE:19990604 TIME: 15:45:32 RESTRICTED- DO NOT USE FOR EMPLOYMENT, LICENSING OR CERTIFICATION PURPOSES ATTN: FOS-RAP SHEET TRAINING CI I/A99000015 DOB/19540119 SEX/X RAC/WHITE HGT/508 WGT/135 EYE/BRO HAI/BRO POB/CA NAM/01 XRAY, TEST REGISTRATION: NAM:01 19790506 CAPD NATIONAL CITY CNT:01 #12020 290 PC -REGISTRATION OF SEX OFFENDER ADR: 222 WHERE AND WHY, NATIONAL CITY, CA ************************************************************** * * FOR CURRENT REGISTRANT ADDRESS INFORMATION INQUIRE * * * * INTO THE VCIN SYSTEM ************************************************************** CRIMINAL HISTORY INQUIRY QHP -PERSONAL DESCRIPTION RECORD (PDR) QHY - THE COMPLETE, ON-LINE CRIMINAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT, PLUS ALL PDR. QHC - ALL PDR, PROBATION & PAROLE INFORMATION, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS, AND THE LAST CRIMINAL ENTRY ON THE RAP SHEET. (IF APP ONLY, WILL DISPLAY APP INFORMATION). QHT THE COMPLETE, ON-LINE CRIMINAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT PLUS A COPY WILL BE MAILED TO THE REQUESTOR. MANUAL REQUESTS TELEPHONE - URGENT SITUATIONS and/or NONmCLETS AGENCY PRIORITY I = 20 MINUTES PRIORITY 2 = 2 HOURS TELETYPE= IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ONE SUBJECT PER REQUEST & UP TO 6 ARRESTS RETURNED (NEED TYPE OF INVESTIGATION) PRIORITY 3 = 6 HOURS PRIORITY 4 = 12 HOURS MAIL - ROUTINE PRIORITY 5 = 15 WORKING DAYS REQUEST FOR MANUAL RAP SHEET ... U. O' CII: A OLN: SOS a TEXT: Manual rap sheets are usually mailed unless there are exigent circumstances. Enter the persons CII number, name, dob and any other information you have. The purpose is usually criminal investigation. PEACE OFFICER APPLICANTS IT IS ILLEGAL FOR PERSONNEL TO INQUIRE INTO THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM FROM ANY TERMINAL ON A PEACE OFFICER APPLICANT. INTERIM NAME CHECKS MAY BE REQUESTED FROM DOJ COMMAND CENTER. CHS (CONTINUED) REQUEST FOR PRE -EMPLOYMENT SEARCH OF APPLICATION FOR SWORN POSITION N 007 DOJO DOJ SACRAMENTO 19990807 2330 HRS PLEASE PROVIDE RECORD ON: NAM/XRAY,TEST SEX/m DOB/79540179 PRIORITY 3 PUR/APPLICATION FOR PEACE OFFICER POSITION REF/OFFICER KOJIMA, BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS, MENLO PARK PD, 801 LAUREL STREET, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 (415) 555-1212 GWT AUTHORIZATION: FIRST AND LAST NAME OF PERSON AUTHORIZING REQUEST AUTOMATED CRIMINAL HISTORY ALLOWANCES DETAILS OF SUMMARY CRIMINAL HISTORY MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO MOBIL DIGITAL TERMINALS (MDT9S), CELLULAR, OR RADIO WHEN A PEACE OFFICER DETERMINES THE FOLLOWING CRITERION EXISTS: THERE IS REASONABLE CAUSE TO BEL IE VE THE IMMEDIA TE SAFETY OF THE OFFICER AND/OR PUBLIC IS AT SIGNIFICANT RJSK,w PERSONAL CRIMINAL HISTORY REVIEW STATE CRIMINAL HISTORY PENAL CODE SECTIONS INDIVIDUAL TO OBTAIN A CRIMINAL HISTORY. 11120-11127 ALLOWS AN COPY OF HIS/HER STATE • INDIVIDUALS MUST COMPLETE AN APPLICATION TO OBTAIN A COPY OF STATE SUMMARY CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD, FORM BCII 8705. • SUBMIT APPLICANT FINGERPRINT CARDS. • SUBMIT CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR APPROPRIATE AMOUNT TO DOJ. • IF AN ERROR EXISTS, DOJ WILL CORRECT AND NOTIFY THE SUBJECT. CRDIINAL ■I STORY REVIEW of the above A manual criminal history inquiry may be made by either: A. Telephone B. Teletype C. Mail D. All of the above VIOLENT CRIME INFORMATION NETWORK VCIN (CONTINUED) WITHIN VCIN THERE ARE FIVE (5) DOJ SYSTEMS • SEX and ARSON REGISTRATION • SUPERVISED RELEASE FILE • VIOLENT CRIME INFORMATION (SEXUAL HABITUAL OFFENDER PROGRAM) • AUTOMATED CHILD ABUSE • MISSING and UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS VCIN SEX REGISTRANT RESPONSE **NOT A WARRANT ** SEX REGISTRANT RECORD ** NOT A WARRANT ** **DO NOT ARREST OR DETAIN BASED SOLELY ON THIS RESPONSE ** **KNOWN TO DOJ VIOLENT CRIME INFORMATION NETWORK ** **SEX OFFENDER - INFO NOT FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ** **SERIOUS SEX OFFENDER - INFO SUBJECT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ** **HIGH RISK SEX OFFENDER -INFO SUBJECT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE** ENT/1 NAM/RECORD, CALIFORNIA TEST SEX/M DOB/ 19550505 RAC/W HGT/602 WGT/ 225 EYE/BRO HAI/ BRO OLN/A0025507. CA. 1995 SOC/ 526-32-4963 CII/ A99000015 CDC/ E111111 FBI/ 12345J990 OCA/ 1234RECORD RESIDENCE: COUNTY/ SACRAMENTO CITY/ GALT AUTOMATED CHILD ABUSE SYSTEM I I I i I li ii FMI Ll I PA A W9gK � A YgAR � � I &I P >o/. �� 7(\ y � .. . »� ■KU L L 2 14ni DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES DMV (CONTINUED) CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODES DMV RECORDS 1808m47 PROCEDURES SHALL BE ESTABLISHED TO PROTECT THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF DMV RECORDS 1808m45 MISUSE OF DMV RECORDS IS A MISDEMEANOR MAJOR MV FUNCTIONS • Registering and recording ownership (certificate of title) of vehicles and vessels. • Licensing vehicle drivers. • Maintaining driving records (accidents and convictions) of licensed drivers. • Issuing identification cards for individuals. • Licensing and regulating driving and traffic schools and their instructors. • Licensing and regulating vehicle manufacturers, transporters, dealers, distributors, vehicle salespeople and dismantlers. • Administering the Financial Responsibility Law. • Investigating consumer complaints. • o I I ect 1 ng fees - estimated at more than $5.5 billion. KEY DMV TELEPHONE NUMBER ADDITIONS 0 PARTIAL PLATE or VIN or NAME 0 (PRIORITY BASED ON CRIME) (916) 657=7827 0 PERSONS or VEHICLES AT 0 PARTICULAR ADDRESS (SURVEILLANCE) (916) 657=6458 O PHOTOGRAPHS FOR LINE UPS 0 (TELETYPE DMV -NOT DOJ) (916) 657=7590 DMV INDEX Xl NUMBER AN "X" NUMBER IS CREATED IF SUBJECT IS CITED, CONVICTED, OR INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT AND THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED DOES NOT MATCH A DL OR ID CARD NUMBER ON THE DMV DATABASE. FAILURE TO REPORT CORRECT INFORMATION: • KEEPS THE COURT FROM SANCTIONING DRIVER • ELIMINATES FINE ENHANCEMENTS • DETERS DMV FROM TAKING PROPER ACTION • IMPEDES THE INTEGRITY OF DRIVER RECORDS • MAY ENDANGER AN OFFICER MAKING STOP • REDUCES THE ABILITY OF DUI TREATMENT DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES 0 DRIVER LICENSE FILE BASIC RECORD STATUS OF DRIVING PRIVILEGE LEGAL HISTORY ABSTRACT OF CONVICTION DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT'S LEGAL ACTIONS RECORDS OF SUBJECT'S ACCIDENTS ENDORSEMENTS AND CERTIFICATES IDENTIFYING INFORMATION <> VEHICLENESSEL REGISTRATION LICENSE PLATE/CF NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE OR VESSEL REGISTERED/LEGAL OWNER, INCLUDING LESSEE/LESSOR STATUS OF RECORD OWNER -AS -OF INFORMATION DMV (continued) INQUIRY ELEMENTS DRIVERS LICENSE: NAME, AGE OR DOB, CITY, FIRST 3 CHARACTERS OF STREET ADDRESS OR DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER VEHICLENESSEL NAME, CITY, FIRST 3 CHARACTERS REGISTRATION: OF STREET ADDRESS LICENSE PLATE NUMBER VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER C•Tj HULL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER C•Tj REGISTRATION NUMBER DM V SEARCH CRITERIA LAST NAME = souNvEx FIRST NAM E = MUST BE SPELLED EXACTLYAS IT APPEARS ON THE DRIVER LICENSE DOB = PLUS or MINUS 3 YEARS AGE =Pius or miNus 5 YEARS DMV SEARCH 0 UNIT ID: ALL: F DMV: 17 NCIC: F ILEADS: I- lis.- 17 FIRST: LAST NAME: M I SEX.- DOB: r AGE: ADR: CTY: .......... OLN: To run a DL you can inquire by OLN (owner license number) or by name, sex and dob or age. DRIVER LICENSE SEARCH 0 UNIT ID: ALL: F DMV: 17 NCIC: F ILEADS: I- lis.- 17 FIRST: LAST NAME: M I CAE: A 'CWT, DR . . .................... ........ OLN: To run a DL you can inquire by OLN (owner license number) or by name, sex and dob or age. DRIVER LICENSE RETURN UNIT ID: RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZK,7XXXX00-*RP298 .91-72018032052.ID LIA0025507 -A- -lk- -A- -* * -k * * -01 * * CLETS RESPONSE 4AZXJ081200.lD DA'l'E:02-20-13*TIME:22:16* DMV RECORD FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT USE ONLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: SEX: FEMRI,E;*HAIR:BLACK-"EYES:BRN'*HT:4-09*W'r:120* I,IC/TSS:05-06-08*EXPIRED*CLASS:B C,OMMr-RCIAI,* ENDORSEMEN'TS:NONEI MEDTCAh EXAM EXP:02-02-12** LATEST APP: DL TYPE:RENEWAL*ISS/DATE; 05-UCH-08*OFFICE: VNY*BATES:POT-* ORGAN AND TISSUE DONOR: NO UPDATED:05-06-08 LICENSE STATUS: EXPTRF,D* WITHHELD BY DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES* COMMERCIAI, LICENSE STATUS: NOT VAI,ID FOR COMMERCIAL OPERAT ION /CURRENT MEDICAL EXAM REQ DSPAR�'MENTAI- ACTIONS: NONE CONVICTIONS: NONE YAII,URES TO APPEAR: NONE ACCIDENTS: NONE END DOJ p 0 1 ■ [,I ki *4 k 2 1 1 " WHEN A STOLEN OR FELONY VEHICLE ENTRY IS ACCEPTED BY THE OJ VS, THE CORRESPONDING DMV VEHICLE REGISTRATION RECORD IS FLAGGED STOP Stolen vehicle record entered with VIN and L/C# RESTRAINT = stolen vehicle record entered with VIN only REFERRAL Vehicle is a FELONY VEHICLE, or a stolen with caution code ARMED and DANGEROUS PARKING and TOLL VIOLATION • DMV REFUSES REGISTRATION ON 00HOLD" • °°HOLD" REMAINS UNTIL PAID • UNPAID PARKING CITATION VEHICLES CAN BE IMPOUNDED (22651(i) CVC) • TOLL EVASION VEHICLES.CANNOT BE TOWED OR BOOTED • FILE CONTAINS: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE R/O NAME and ADDRESS LIST OF UP TO 75 VIOLATIONS OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING • FIRM FILE. LICENSED ORGANIZATIONS • INDIVIDUAL FILE. NAMES OF PERSONS LICENSED SEPARATELY or CONNECTED WITH FIRM FILE ORGANIZATIONS • INQUIRE BY: FIRM or INDIVIDUAL RECORD IDENTIFIER NUMBER FIRM or INDIVIDUAL NAME INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION PLAN (IRP) LICENSING and RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT of REGISTRATION/OPERATION PROCEDURES for VEHICLE FLEETS TRAVELLING in JURISDICTIONS COMMERCIAL 2 OR MORE FLEET OWNER MUST ESTABLISH "BASE JURISDICTION WHERE: REGISTRANT HAS ESTABLISHED BUSINESS MILEAGE IS ACCRUED BY FLEET and FLEET RECORDS ARE MAINTAINED DMV REVIDEW Periodic driver license checks may be conducted by agencies on employees where driving is a requirement of their job. A. True B. False Automated Name Index queries require the driver's first name to be identical to the DMV record. A. True B. False What is the purpose of a DOJ STOP, RESTRAINT or REFERRAL flag, and what should an agency do when encountering one in response to a DMV inquiry? A. It means nothing - ignore the response B. It is meant to prevent the registration of a stolen vehicle or boat check the SVS or the ABS to determine if the vehicle or boat is still an outstanding stolen Section 22651(i) of the CA Vehicle Code allows for law enforcement agencies to impound certain vehicles with unpaid parking citations. A. True B. False NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM NLETS (continued) ADMINSTRATIVE MESSAGES ORION ORI FILE VEHICLE/BOAT/SNOWMOBILE REGISTRATION DRIVER'S LICENSE CRIMINAL HISTORY HELP FILES FIXED FORMAT HIT CONFIRMATION TRANSACTIONS CANADIAN INTERFACE INTERPOL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FILE FAA/TECS AIRCRAFT TRACKING SYSTEM FAA/TECS AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION SYSTEM NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN NATIONAL INSURANCE CRIME BUREAU NL TS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGES (9m CHA RA C TER ORI) ALL POINTS BROADCASTS (2m CHA RA C TER STATE CODE) REGIONAL BROADCASTS (2mCHARACTER REGIONAL CODE) MESSAGES MAY BE SENT TO 1 OR UP TO 5 DESTINATIONS SIMULTANEOUSLY NLETS REGIONAL BROADCAST F H N NLETS ADMINISTRATIVE AND REGIONAL BROADCAST RESTRICTIONS NO SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS NO RECRUITING OF PERSONNEL NO ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE VEHICLE/PROPERTY WITHOUT WARRANT NO EXCESSIVELY LONG MESSAGES NO TRANSMISSION OF SUBPOENAS NO CURIOSITY INQUIRIES NO SOLICITATION OF FUNDS NO MESSAGES SUPPORTING/OPPOSING: POLITICAL ISSUES LABOR ISSUES LEGISLATIVE ISSUES NO REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION ON: SALARY UNIFORMS PERSONNEL, ETC. THAT CAN BE RELAYED BY OTHER MEANS NLETS (CONTINUED) UNACCEPTABLE BROADCAST MESSAGE 19990801 1315 DOJ 2031 N***100 200 300 MLFMIL2DO. MSG: 001 ORIG AGENCY NAME: BIG VALLEY POLICE DEPT AREA 1,2,3 BROADCAST SANDEE HEADLY, INTERMEDIATE CLERK, ASSIGNED TO RECORDS, IS PRESENTLY AT HOME RECUPERATING FROM PNEUMONIA. PHONE CALLS AND CARDS WOULD BE APPRECIATED nnLnn sNuG. NLETS OR/ON ORI FILE CONTAINS ORPS OF ALL NLETS AGENCIES NCIC INQUIRY By ORI- ORI: ORION INQUIRY By ORI AND/OR LOCATION: ORI: S TA: LOC: ORION INQUIRY ON FEDERAL AGENCY: LOC: FED: ORI: STA: F777 ORION FOREIGN (MISCELLANEOus) FILE: ORI: 00 00 x IL1141mg-j-1-0 [Rolium You can inquire by LOCATION or ORI # TYP: Only DOJ can make corrections to ORION ORI FILE NLETS VEHICLE/BOAT/SNOWMOBILE REGISTRATION INQUIRE BYm. • VEHICLE LICENSE NUMBER* • YEAR OF EXPIRATION • STATE OF ISSUANCE • TYPE OF LICENSE * Use VINE ENG, or OAN if LIC is unavailable = UP TO 5 STATES PER MESSAG4 IF VIN IS USED, UP TO 5 REGIONS MAY BE ACCESSED UNIT ID: RP298 TRANSACTION SENT: 3AZKIXXXX00,*RP298 .#172018032051.N 001 LTS TQ.CA0490400.CA.TXT LOC/ROHNERT PARK.TYP/PD CLETS RESPONSE 4AZKI145a00.l* TR.CAORION00 14:22 02/21/2013 14:22 02/21/2013 *AZKI145a00 TXT ORI/CA0490400 44283 47918 CA04904:00 LOG/ROHNERT PARK ROHNERT PARK KEPI' OF PUBLIC SAFETY 500 CITY CENTER DR ROHNERT PARK, 94922 TYPE - PD PHN # (707)584-2611 ALT PHN # (707)584-2600 FAX # (707)584-2676 ALT FAX # (707)584-2683 24 HR SERVICE W/TERMINAL ANY AGENCY OF CITY GOVERNMENT USER IS AUTHORIZED TO SEND/RECEIVE ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGES. USER IS AUTHORIZED TO SEND/RECEIVE CHRT. USER IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE DMV DATA. USER IS AUTHORIZED TO OTHER NLETS MESSAGES. ORT IS ACTIVE BASELINE PRIORITY IS - 0 NOT AUTHORIZED TO ADD/CANCEL ORIS NOT AUTHORIZED TO PERFORM CONTROL TERMINAL FUNCTIONS OWNER: CA CREATED: 1990-11-01 UPDATED: 2009-08-06 CERTIFIED: 2011-09-02 REMARKS: FOR CALIF USE ONLY--CLETS MNEMONIC 'TROHO" ORI/CA0490900 LOC/ROHNERT PARK NLETS Out of State Inquir or CMP: .0 ADR: *y�y� ii ' U'may{ = Y R: ... F MAC : .. r ....�., ...I -When running an out of state plate you need to include the state, license and year of expiration. You may inquire on up to 5 states at one time. NL TS DRIVER'S LICENSE INQUIRIES • OUT-OF-STATE; OL.N orNAM SEX, and SOB or AGE • REGIONALLY.� NAM and DOB OUT OF STATE DR/VERB L ICENSE SEARCH OUT OF STATE DRIVERs LICENSE INQUIRY OPTIONAL: PUR: ATN: C"iANADIAN INQUIRIES: RSN: PPS. .... 7 PRO. To run an out of state DL we usually use the DO inquiry which is a request for identity and status only. You can inquire by OLN (owner license number) or by name, sex and dob. NL TS CRIMINAL HISTORY RETRIEVE RECORDS NOT IN TRIPLE I • NEVER USED AS SUBSTITUTE FOR TRIPLE • SECONDARY INQUIRY AFTER: NO RECORD RESPONSE FROM TRIPLE RECEIVED RECORD FROM TRIPLE YET FEEL THERE MAY BE MORE RECORD INFORMATION IN A SPECIFIC STATE'S FILE 01110IS1feC�in�i�a/Hrs NLETS (continued) HELP FILES STATE HELP FILES ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE TO SINGLE DESTINATION FOR: VEHICLE REGISTRATION RECORDS DRIVER'S LICENSE RECORDS CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS BOAT/SNOWMOBILE RECORDS 19990801 1158 YMEO 0144 N LTS 1 YMEO AM.CTSIRHELP 13:07 19990801 10495 13:07 19990801 10908 CA0349411 # : ***** CONNECTICUT CRIMINAL HISTORY HELP INFO ***** LAST UPDATE: 10/99 CT IS A TRIPLE 1 PARTICIPANT, CT SUPPORTS PURPOSE CODES C AND J. IQ'S ARE FULLY AUTOMATED, AND A POSITIVE RESPONSE SUPPLIES YOU WITH A SID, NAM, AND DOB, FQ'S ARE PARTIALLY AUTOMATED, IF YOUR IR CONTAINS THE LETTERS CCH OR CCHP BETWEEN THE NAM & DOB, YOU ARE DEALING WITH AN AUTOMATED RECORD, YOU WILL RECEIVE A RESPONSE WITHIN A MATTER OF SECONDS, IF YOU INQUIRE ON A SID THAT IS NOT ON OUR AUTOMATED FILE, THE RECORD WILL BE FORWARDED IN APPROXIMATELY 2 WORKING DAYS. CT DOES NOT SUPPORT IQ'S BY SOC OR MNU, INQUIRIES BY SID DO NOT REQUIRE ADDRESS, JUVENILE INFO IS NOT RELEASED IN CT. CT STATE LAW STRICTLY PROHIBITS DISSEMINATION OF THIS INFO FOR OTHER THAN LAW ENFORCEMENT/ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PURPOSES, THE STATE POLICE BUREAU OF IDENTIFICATION IS OPEN MON-FRI, 0830-1630. CONTACT: SALLY VELEZ, SUPERVISOR (203) 238-6151 CT STATE POLICE BUREAU OF IDENTIFICATION 294 COLONY STREET BLD#3 MERIDEN, CT 06450 NLETS HIT CONFIRMATION PRIORITIES URGENT = 10 MINUTES ROUTINE = 1 HOUR The requesting agency always sets the priority NLETS FIXED FORMAT Hit Confirmation Request DESTINATION O�R"r- MSG: F-7-NCIC.- OCA. RNO. F PRI.F STOLEN / FELONY VEHICLE-. LIC: VIN: VYR: VMA: WANTED PERSON: NAM: DOB. F-7 f ..7 7� SEX: . ...... ... MISSING PERSON: NAM- I : DOB: r-F- f- SEX: F- STOLEN LICENSE PLATE: LIC: LlY: f LIT..F, REQUESTOR INFORMATION: RNA: RAG PHO. EXTT FAX: NLETS FIXED FORMAT Hit Confirmation ResDonse NLETS (CONTINUED) CANADIAN POLICE INFORMATION CENTRE (cp1c) ORI TABLES ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGES PERSONS FILE STOLEN VEHICLE FILE VEHICLE REGISTRATION FILE DRIVER LICENSE FILE ARTICLE FILE BOAT FILE GUN FILE SECURITIES FILE CRIMINAL HISTORY FILE CPIC RES TRIC TIONS INFORMATION IS RESTRICTED TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCIES FOR CRIMINAL JUTICE PURPOSES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL ANY DATA BE RELEASED OUTSIDE THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CPIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE INQU/RE BYAF ORI or PROVINCE/TERRITORY CODE* * Fixed format NOT FILE inquiry requires; REASON CODE and PERSON/PROPERTY IN SIGHT (yes or no) CODE A DMINIS TRA TI VE MESSAGES: • ORI • CN for COUNTRY -WIDE BROADCAST (DONOT SEND TO PROVINCE/TERRITORY CODE) CPIC PERSONS FILE TAKE NO ACTION WITHOUT OBTAINING SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FROM INTERPOL •WANTED •CHARGED •PROHIBITED •PAROLEE •PROBATION •REFUSED •OBSERVATION (Do not divqlge existence to non -criminal justice) •MISSING CPIC STOLEN VEHICL E FIL E • STOLEN • CRIME is ABANDONED • POINTER • OBSERVATION CPIC INQUIRIES VEHICL E REGIS TRA TION; L I C PLATE or VIN DRIVER LICENSE; NAM, DOB, SEX, OLN, REASON and PERSON/PROPERTY IN SIGHT ARTICLE; SER and ART TYP BOAT: LIC, BHN, REG, OAN, or SER SECURITIES: SER, ISSUER NAME, R/O NAME, and SECURITY TYP CRIMINAL H/STORY• SAME AS NLETS (Use CN as State) INTERPOL NO ARRESTING POWER ONLY ANALYSIS AND ASSISTANCE • CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECK • LICENSE PLATE/DRIVER'S LICENSE CHECK • LOCATING SUSPECT/FUGITIVE/WITNESS • APB'S TO ANY COUNTRY • INTERNATIONAL WANTED CIRCULAR • TRACE WEAPON/MOTOR VEHICLE ABROAD • FULL INVESTIGATION LEADING TO ARREST AND EXTRADITION DOJ INTERPOL DESK or DCINTEROO HAZARDOUS MA TERIA L FIL E N 001 LTS MQ.CA0349400.NL,TXT UNN/2433 M R.NLHAZMTOO RESPONSE TO INQUIRY ON HAZMAT UN NUMBER: 2433 CHEMICAL NAME(S) CHLORONITROTOLUENES, LIQUID and SOLID ** EMERGENCY RESPONSE NUMBERS ** (CHEMTREC AT 1-800-424-9300 U.S. and CANADA. 703-527-3887 ELSEWHERE.) ERG GUIDE NUMBER: 152 =TOXIC (COMBUSTIBLE) * * POTENTIAL HAZARDS * * (HEALTH/FIRE or EXPLOSION) * * PUBLIC SAFETY * * (PROTECTIVE CLOTH I NG/EVACUATION) ** EMERGENCY RESPONSE ** (FIRE/SPILL or LEAK/FIRST AID) FAA/T CS AIRCRAFT TRACKING SYSTEM MOVEMENTAND LOCATION OF PRIVATEAIRCRAFT INQUIRE BY: REG or DATE RANGE (Hits on TECS record aircraft generate a ,"Hit Notification" to interested officers,) AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION SYSTEM COMMERCIALAPRIVATE AIRCRAFT INQUIRE BY: REG (Tail #), SER or VIN, or NAME of REGISTRANT NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN • CLEARINGHOUSE OF INFORMATION • PROVIDES TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PARENTS • OFFERS TRAINING PROGRAMS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY ORI = VA007019W NATIONAL INSURANCE CRIME BUREAU formerly NATIONAL AUTO THEFT BUREAU (NATB) • Manufacturer's Shipping File • Impound File • Export File • Salvage File 9 International Index File Can NLETS AM messages been used for recruitment of sworn personnel? A. Yes A. Hazardous Material File B. Aircraft Tracking System NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER NCIC (continued) YEAR OF INFORMATION BASES IMPLEMENTATION STOLEN VEHICLES 1967 STOLEN ARTICLES 1967 STOLEN OR RECOVERED GUNS 1967 STOLEN LICENSE PLATES 1967 WANTED PERSONS 1967 STOLEN SECURITIES 1968 STOLEN BOATS 1969 MISSING PERSONS 1975 INTERSTATE IDENTIFICATION INDEX 1983 U.S. SECRET SERVICE PROTECTIVE 1983 UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS 1983 ORIGINATING AGENCY IDENTIFIER 1985 FOREIGN FUGITIVE 1987 ATF VIOLENT FELON FILE 1992 VIOLENT GANG & TERRORIST 1996 ORGANIZATION FILE DEPORTED FELON FILE PROTECTION ORDER FILE 1997 1997 NCIC INQUIRY ELEMENTS THROUGH CJIS COROLLARY FILE WANTED PERSON; NAM and DOB (WPS) MISSING PERSON; NAM. SEX and DOB UNIDENTIFIED PERSON, VEHICLE (MOPS or WPS) WGT, HAI, and EYE (MOPS) VIN (SVS) L ICENSE PLATE; L I S (SVS) BOAT• REG and BHN (ABS) ARTICLE; CAT and ART and SER or OAN (APS) GUN; SER (AFS) III Participating States Currently all 50 states and the District of Columbia participate in III. Ill held the criminal histories of more than 75.4 million individuals as of December 1, 2011 0 NCIC (continued) INTERSTATE INDENTIFICATION INDEX INQUIRY ELEMENTS NAME, SEX, DOB, RACE FBI NUMBER, or STATE ID NUMBER, or MISCELLANEOUS NUMBER AND PURPOSE AND ATTENTION NCIC FOREIGN FUGITIVE FILE • INQUIRIES NOT MADE DIRECTLY INTO THIS FILE. (RESPONSES ARE FROM NCIC WANTED PERSONS INQUIRIES) • CANNOT ARREST BASED SOLELY ON THIS HIT. INTERPOL WILL: - CONFIRM THE WARRANT IS GOOD - DETERMINE IF FOREIGN COUNTRY WILL EXTRADITE, and - NOTIFY OTHER U.S. JUSTICE OFFICIALS TO HAVE A U.S. WARRANT ISSUED. • CONFIRM CANADIAN WARRANTS WITH RCMP NCIC (continued) BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS (BATF) VIOLENT FELON FILE The violent felon record subject must meet all four of the following criteria: 1. Have a minimum of three prior violent felony or serious drug offense convictions 2. Have a felony conviction for a violent crime where a firearm or other weapon was used. 3. Have a conviction for a crime where the subject has injured or killed the victim. 4. Be either on probation or parole or have been released from supervision within the last five years. NCIC (continued) BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS (BATF) VIOLENT FELON FILE • RESPONSES FROM NCIC WANTED PERSONS FILE INQUIRIES • CAVEAT DISTINGUISHING ATFNFF FROM WPF • IF SUBJECT IN POSSESSION OF A FIREARM OR AMMUNITION: PROCEED WITH CAUTION, BUT DO NOT SEARCH, DETAIN, ORARREST VERIFY PERSON /S IDENTICAL TO SUBJECT /MMED/ATELY CONTACT ATF ARREST THE SUBJECT IF ALL CRITERIA MET U.S. SECRET SERVICE PROTECTIVE ORDER FILE TRACKING SYSTEM FOR: • WHEREABOUTS OF INDIVIDUALS WHO MAY POSE A THREAT TO PRESIDENTIPROTECTEE • INDIVIDUALS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY WHICH MAY BE RELATED TO PROTECTEE DO NOT ARREST OR DETAIN BASED SOLELY ON THE HIT INFORMATION NCIC (continued) Violent Gang and Terrorist Organization File CALIFORNIA AGENCIES CAN INQUIRE ONLY THROUGH WPS WITH DATA ELEMENTS: NAM, SEX and DOB or SOC or OLN or FBI GROUP MEMBER CAPABILITY (GMC) IS INFORMATION ABOUT INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF GANGS OR TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS NCIC (continued) - NCIC Deported Felon File (DFF) - DFF CONTAINS RECORDS ON CRIMINAL ALIENS WHO HAVE BEEN DEPORTED FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING, FIREARMS TRAFFICKING, OR SERIOUS VIOLENT CRIMES INQUIRIES WILL BE FORWARDED FROM: • WPS IF THE DATA ELEMENTS FOR NCIC SEARCH ARE INCLUDED • SVS IF VIN or LIC with LIS INQUIRY RESULTS IN A SVS "NO HIT" NCIC (continued) NCIC - PROTECTION ORDER FILE INQUIRIES INTO WPS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE PROTECT/ON ORDER FILE WITH DATA ELEMENTS: NAM ,SEX and DOB or AGE THIS FILE IS NOWA COROLLARY TO THE CJISIDVROS NCIC (continued) ORI FILE DATABASE OF ALL OR11S ISSUED BY F I/NCIC ORI INQUIRY RESULTS I N AGENCY NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE # OFF-LINE SEARCH PROVIDES INVESTIGATORS WITH INFORMATION TO: • DETERMINE IF ANY AGENCY MADE INQUIRY ON PARTICULAR PERSON OR PROPERTY • DETERMINE IF RECORD FOR PERSON OR PROPERTY WAS ENTERED/REMOVED • INQUIRE ON POSSIBLE WANTED PERSON WITH NAME ONLY 3 TYPES OF NCIC INFORMATION USED: • ACTIVE RECORDS (HOT FILES) • HISTORICAL DATA (INCLUDES CANCELLED AND EXPIRED RECORDS • TRANSACTION DATA FROM HISTORICAL LOG NCIC REVIEW A name inquiry into DOJ's Wanted Person System will be forwarded to the NCIC for a Search of all their persons files, only if what information is included in the inquiry? A. Race B. Height C. C. Date of birth or other numeric identifier D. All of the above A vehicle query forwarded to the NCIC with the License Plate State and License Plate Number will return matches of felony vehicles that have been searched against both the licensing state and plate number. A. True B. False The Securities File contains records for securities that were: A. Stolen B. Embezzled C. Used for ransom D. Counterfeited E. All of the above F. None of the above Documentation for the entry of an ITF record must meet which of the following criteria? A. Someone other than the victim is using the identification B. The identity is being used without permission C. The victim's identity is being used or is intended to be used to commit an unlawful activity D. All of the above LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA SYSTEM LEDS (CONTINUED) INQUIRYELEMENTS SYSTEM ELEMENTS 1. WANTED PERSONS NAM and SEX (DOB/RAC optional) 2. PROTECTIVE ORDER format same as WP 3. STOLEN VEHICLE LIC or VIN or part number 4. ARTICLES SER or OAN and TYP (CAT/ART) 5. GUN SER or OAN 6. VEHICLE/BOAT LIC or VIN or BHN 7. DRIVER'S LICENSE LIC or DOB and NAM (SEX if no exact DOB) NOTE: Rap and Administrative Messages must be routed through NLETS U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of investigation 'National C rime 1 nformation C:: enter Securities File NCIC SECURITY FILE INQUIRY TYP, SER and DEN (include ISSUER fornonmUS,. Treasury issues and currency) If all information is not available: OWNER or OWNER/TYP or OWNER/SOC or SOC only There is no matching DOJ/CJIS file. NCIC (continued) NCIC SECURITIES FILE Criteria for Entry: 1. SECURITIES ARE IDENTIFIED AS: Federal Reserve Note Silver or Gold Certificates, Canadian Notes, U.S. Notes or other foreign notes or currency. 2. CERTIFICATES WHICH ARE GENERALLY CONSIDERED TO BE EVIDENCE OF A DEBT: Treasur Bills, Bonds, Notes, Debentures, municipal or corpora a bonds, U.S. Saving Bonds. 3, CERTIFICATES WHICH SHOW OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY: Common or preferred stock, Travelers checks, right of Warrants (usually stocks), money orders. 4. OTHER CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS: Savings certificates equipment trust certificates, warehouse receipt, Interest coupon, etc. ITEMS THAT DONOT MEET THE DEFINITION FOR ENTRY INTO NCIC: • PERSONAL NOTES *PERSONAL CHECKS • BANK DRAFTS *CASHIERS CHECKS *BANK OFFICES CHECKS *STATE AND LOCAL CHECKS *CREDIT CARDS *COINS *GIFT CERTIFICATES • PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS *SERIALIZED FOOD STAMPS OR BOOKS *LOTTERY TICKETS *INGOTS AND OTHER METALS DO NOT QUALIFY AS A SECURITY FOR NCIC, BUT MAY BE ENTERED IN THE NCIC ARTICLE FILE. NCIC (CONTINUED) SECURITIES FILE TYPE OF RECORD UNRECOVERED, STOLEN EMBEZZLED, OR COUNTERFEITED SECURITIES TRAVELERS CHECKS MONEY ORDERS RETENTION CURRENT YEAR PLUS FOUR YEARS CURRENT YEAR PLUS TWO YEARS NCIC (CONTINUED) SECURITY MESSAGE KEY CODES MESSAGE MKE ENTRY ES MODIFY MS CANCEL XS LOCATE LS CLEAR CS ONLY THE AGENCY HOLDING THE THEFT REPORT AND HAVING PRIMARY JURISDICTION OVER THE PLACE OF ACTUAL THEFT MAY MAKE A NCIC ENTRY. NOTE: A PORTION OF THE SECURITIES FILE RECORDS WILL BE VALIDATED MONTHLY. 41:::: ILw= 07=E lifv California Law Enforcement Web http://clew.doj.ca.gov '�IJI$Iercement C. L. E. T. S. Good Evening, Jennifer AUTOMATED ARCHIVE Welcome to the CAL - PHOTO California Law Enforcement Web CLIENT SERVICES Today's date is 2128/2013 DISPOSITION REPORTING Your last visit was 2/28/2013 DATABASE SYSTEMS UPCOMING EVENTS DOWNLOADS CLETS Advisory Committee FORMS Thursday, March 21, 20113 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Standing Strategic Planning Subcommittee LIVE SCAN Thursday, March 21, 2013 MOBILE ID Meetinas & Public Notices PRISON REALIGNMENT PUBLICATIONS Transition from the Integrated Automated SECONDHAND DEALERIPB Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) to the Next Generation Identification (NGI) SEX REGISTRATION System. STATISTICS CENTER TRAINING Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - or use the link at the bottom of the screen. SITE MAP MY CLEW PROFILE ........... . CHANGE PASSWORD My CLEW Profile - Update your CLEW user information such as email address, phone ATTORNEY GENERAL number, and password reset question/answer. RELATED SITES Orderinct Fingerprint Cards CLEWLTST Sign up here to be notified by e-mail when from the FBI Peace Officer Standards updates are added to the CLEW site. and Training [P0gj:[] NEW ON CLEW Updated: Sumort Staff Assignments - Live Scan ,Supgort-Staff (Client Services) Updated: Basic Steps: Note on Step Three (Secondhand Dealer/PB) Updated: Frequently Asked Questions (Secondhand Dealer/PB) Updated- GJIS Information Bulletin No. 13-01-Cjl�j Memorandum of Understanding (Publications) Added., Inform Lion Bulletin 13-02-CJIS The Governor's Public Safetv Officer Medal of Valor (Publications) Updated-- Privacy Codes Request form (C.L.E.T.S.) Updated. Trainincl information (client Services) CJiS Information Bulletin No. Updated: Uodated: (Publications) Updated: Database Audits (Client Services) Updated: A8109 FAQS (Publications) Updated: CLETS Application (New o Upgraded Servicel (C.L.E.T.S.) Updated: Sex Offender Tracking Prourarn Notification- Announcement (Sex Registration) Do you ever forget your CLEW password or UserlD? ��a �reset cauesticrza. Then you can have your password or UserlD sent to you if you I Ex -Fresno State police chief pleads in embezzling case ■ Willie Shell faces jail time, fines and restitution. The Fresno Bee BAKERSFIELD - Willie Shell, former chief of police at California State University campuses in Fresno and Bakersfield, pleaded no contest Tuesday to felony charges of embezzling public funds and misusing a confidential law enforcement computers sue. Shell admitted falsifying expense reports, which cost the state more than $5,000, and using the state's law enforcement telecommunications system to perform unauthorized background checks. The no -contest plea in Kern County Superior Court amounts to a guilty plea. As part of a plea bargain, three other charges were dismissed: one count of embezzlement, one count of misuse of public property and one count of filing false claims. Shell is scheduled to be sentenced March 18. The maximum penalty, according to the California Attorney General's Office, is four years, eight months in prison, a fine and restitution. Shell headed the campus police force in Bakersfield before becoming police chief at Fresno State in August 1994. He resigned in April 1997 after being indicted by the Kern County grand jury. Shell also is the subject of a Fresno lawsuit by his former staff members who accuse him of racial and reverse discrimination. Woman gets 3 years in plot to hurt guards By STUART AASE SACRAMENTO UNION STAFF WRITER A former state employee was sentenced Wednesday to three years in state prison for conspiring to attack correctional officers outside Folsom Prison. Judith Danelle Box, 39, was convicted of using a computer at the Franchise Tax Board to obtain correctional officers home addresses - part of a plot with the Aryan Brother -hood prison gang. Sacramento Superior Court Judge John J. Boskovich denied Box's plea for probation, calling her crime "extremely serious." "(She) will not be able to walk away from this," he said. No correctional officers were injured in the plot, but Boskovich said the threat to law enforcement officers and the defendant's breach of trust with a state agency warranted her incarceration. Box was the girlfriend of a member of the Aryan Brotherhood white supremist group, which sought to attack officers in retaliation for one of its members being shot by a Folsom Prison officer during an assault in the exercise yard in June 1987. Inmate Robert R. Rowland, who said he left the group, testified that the gang plotted with Box to acquire the home addresses of correctional officers. Box admitted making unlawful entries of tax records via computer, but testified that she did it mostly out of curiosity. She also said she was working on a class-action lawsuit involving conditions of prisoners and denied any plot to harm officers. According to court records, authorities served a search warrant on Box's home and found "numerous" photos of Aryan Brotherhood members, letters and checks made out to members, and a note with the name of at least one correctional officer. Justice files used in crime? Drug deal allegedly computer -checked By Wayne Wilson Bee Staff Writer An enterprising team of cocaine dealers has been using computers at the state Department of Justice to screen prospective buyers, it was alleged Monday in Sacramento Municipal Court. Two men, including an employee in the department's Law Enforcement Data Center were charged with conspiring to run unauthorized background checks on individuals in an effort to ferret out undercover police officers. The Justice Department employee was identified as Gregory Scott Dougherty, 25, of Sacramento. Dougherty allegedly furnished Bradley David Kent, 26, with restricted information on a prospective cocaine buyer after obtaining the information through a Department of Justice computer terminal. Kent and another man, Jeffrey Lee Bird, 30, are charged in a separate but related complaint with two counts of selling cocaine to an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration agent. All three defendants appeared briefly before Municipal Court Judge William R. Ridgeway on Monday and were ordered to return to court May 6 for further proceedings. Bird and Kent were in custody. Dougherty was free on his own recognizance. According to documents submitted to the court in support of arrest warrants an investigation began Feb.13 after an undercover operation for the federal DEA was told by a suspected cocaine dealer that he had to be "checked out" before a drug deal could be completed. The suspect, who is named in the investigative reports but has not been charged, told an informant that he had a source at the Department of Justice who could run the automobile license numbers and names of prospective cocaine buyers through the department's computer. The computer could supply a prospective buyer's police, prison and traffic records, the suspect said. And, if the automobile the potential buyer was driving happened to be an undercover police vehicle, the computer would spit out the customary "record unavailable" response reserved for such cars. During the investigation that followed the suspect's revelations, a phony name and false information were fed into the computer to trap the conspirators, court records revealed. On March 12, a fake criminal history was entered in the Justice Department system using the name Alain Ivan Mikhalev. It reflected one prior arrest for carrying a concealed weapon and indicated a liquor license application. (continued) According to the investigative report, undercover DEA agent Mark Dahlgren mentioned the fictional Mikhalev to Kent on March 13, identifying him as a potential cocaine customer from San Francisco. And on March 14, Kent allegedly told Dahlgren that his Justice Department source (Dougherty) "had stopped at his residence and informed him that he had conducted the background check on the name and there should be no problem engaging in cocaine transactions with this individual." An internal check of the computer journal at the Justice Department revealed that a records check on Alain Mikhalev had, indeed, been run from a terminal in Room G-101 of the Record Inquiry Unit, according to court documents. Dougherty has been employed with the Law Enforcement Data Center for about three months after a two-year stint with the Bureau of Criminal Identification, the documents show. His duties included console operation, responding to the system's messages, mounting and changing tape handling user problems and handling printer output, the reports said. The reports did not implicate Dougherty in the actual sales of the cocaine. The sale occurred March 6, when Dahlgren bought 81.7 grams of cocaine from Kent and Bird for $3,600,000 the reports said. Ex -vice cop pleads innocent A former supervisor of the Sacramento Police Department's vice detail pleaded innocent in Superior Court this week to an 18-count complaint charging him with conspiracy, pimping and pandering. John Lester "Jack" Fitchett Jr., 46, was given a Nov.2 trial date. Fitchett is accused of assisting and counseling Susan R. Gorniak and her employees in the operation of what was described as a Sacramento call -girl business. It is alleged that Fitchett, while still employed as a police officer in 1986 and 1987, offered advice to the women on how to run a prostitution business and at the same time avoid undercover police operators and the possibility of arrest. During a post -indictment preliminary hearing, testimony was introduced establishing that. Fitchett used the police computer to run background checks on women who went to work for Gorniak. Fitchett was discharged from the Police Department on March 10, 1987, after an internal investigation. Gorniak is charged in a separate complaint with numerous counts of pimping and pandering. Detective arraigned in steroid -sales case By Wayne Wilson Bee Staff Writer A Sacramento Police Department detective was formally charged Friday with illegally using the police computer to obstruct an investigation of her fiance, body builder William E. Cambra Jr. Vicki Ann Romani, 31, was arraigned by Municipal Court Judge John V. Stroud in the presence of her attorney, John E. Virga. No plea was entered. Virga asked the matter be put over until Nov. 3 for further proceedings. Romani, who has been placed on administrative leave with pay pending completion of the investigation, is accused of assisting "Big Bill" Cambra, a nationally known body builder and former Mr.Sacramento, in an anabolic steroids sales scheme. Specifically, she is alleged to have used the police computer system to run records checks on associates of Cambra in an effort to identify possible undercover operatives. Cambra, 31, currently is awaiting trial in federal court on charges he distributed illicit anabolic steroids and genetically engineered human growth hormone to athletes across the country. According to an affidavit attached to Romani's arrest warrant, investigators searched Cambra's Carmichael residence on Sept.27 and found copies of Sacramento County computer printouts bearing confidential police information on a man named Jeffrey Thomas Copeland, 26. Copeland is identified in the affidavit as a "longtime associate of Cambra" who "had contacted Cambra (on Sept. 25) and asked for steroids to get back in business." Fingerprints belonging to both Cambra and Romani were found on the police printouts, the affidavit said. (continued) Police Sgt. David S. Poroli, who led the internal investigation into Romani's activities, reviewed her computer activity from April 1 through Sept. 26 and reported finding more than four dozen uses of the computer for no apparent legitmate police purpose. She ran driver, registration, license and criminal history checks on Cambra himself in June and July as well as checks for vehicles registered to Cambra's business, Body and Power Health Club, Poroli reported. And during the summer, Romani ran checks on at least three ex -girlfriends of Cambra, including one who is reported to have put up bail for the body builder after his arrest. She also checked the files of one of her own ex -boyfriends, seven people who work out at Body and Power Health Club, and a Dixon Police Department officer who know both Romani and Cambra, the affidavit revealed. The affidavit said Romani should have known she was using the computer illegally because she attended a mandatory advanced officer training course from May 8 through May 11, 1989, and part of that class was a "Computer Practitioner Inquiry Course." Part of the course specifically covered the misuse of the computer and described and warned of the criminal acts with which Romani currently is charged. An outline of the course attached to the affidavit says that "any SPD employee who misused any computer system or manual records information system is subject to criminal prosecution as well as departmental disciplinary action." It also points out that the crime attached to such misuse, identified as 502 PC, was upgraded to a felony in January 1988. Romani is charged with three counts of 502 (unlawful computer access) and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice. SAN DIEGO UNION Former DMV examiner admits altering records in license scam By Mitch Himaka Stall Writer A former state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) licensing examiner pleaded guilty yesterday to four counts of unlawfully gaining access to the department computer system and altering its records so fraudulent driver's licenses were issued to individuals who never passed the written or driving tests. Harvey L. Houston, 38, entered his change of plea to the felony courts before Municipal Court Judge Janet I. Kinter. Deputy District Attorney Douglas C. Gregg said Houston faces no more than a year in county jail and a $10,000 fine under terms of a plea bargain agreement he struck with Deputy Public Defender G. Randolph Wright. Gregg said Houston, who had been employed by the DMV for 10 years, was fired after the allegations came to light. He said that incidents occurred in March when Houston entered into the department computer system information that six individuals had passed both the written and driving tests, when in fact they never took the examinations. Gregg said Houston's action resulted in fraudulent licenses being generated, but the scheme was discovered before any of the licenses were mailed out. He said one of the individuals had applied for a commercial driver's license for either a trucker or a chauffeur. "I have no idea what the applicant's driving record was or whether he should be out driving a truck on the highway," Gregg said. "He certainly shouldn't be out driving without a commercial license." Gregg said the individuals were named in the complaint but his office has been able to locate only one, Timothy Gray of Corona. He said Department of Motor Vehicle investigators have tried to trace down the other individuals named, but determined only that the addresses in Long Beach and Pasadena were false. Ex-DMV worker admits altering driving records for money Sacramento Bee Bee Metro Staff A former technician for the Department of Motor Vehicles admitted in court Thursday that she deleted bad driving records of a number of individuals who had paid for the service. Genevieve Pamela Lopez, 34, pleaded guilty to 10 counts of illegally using the DMV computer for the purpose of altering, damaging or destroying data. Nineteen additional counts were dismissed. Proceedings against her codefendant, Donald H. Stables, 56, were continued to Oct. 24. He is charged with 48 counts involving computer fraud, bribery, falsification of government documents and conspiracy. According to court records, Stables, an insurance agent in Yreka, allegedly had been receiving fees of up to $2,500 to arrange the obliteration of accident reports, drunken -driving arrests, suspensions and other violations on his clients' DMV records. Lopez was his contact at the department, according to documents, and she received between $400 and $500 for each transaction. Stables was arrested April 23 in Yreka, and Lopez was fired May 10 after admitting her role. Under terms of the plea bargain, Lopez will be placed on six years of formal probation; serve at least 60 days in the county jail; be ordered to pay a fine of $10,000; and testify against Stables if the need arises. Lopez is to be sentenced November 14. SAN DIEGO UNION PAPER Civilian in probe resigns police job Clerk allegedly impersonated cop to scare friend's ex-husband By J. STRYKER MEYER Staff Writer OCEANSIDE - A civilian records technician has resigned while under investigation for allegedly impersonating a police officer and misusing police computers. Robert LaPietra, 35, who lives on Norma Street in Oceanside, quit July 25, said police spokesman Bob George. LaPietra, who worked for the department about four years, allegedly used police computers to access information about his girlfriend's ex-husband. He then apparently pretended to be a police officer to try to persuade the man to stop attaching the woman's checks for child support. The internal affairs investigation is expected to be completed in two to three weeks, George said. After the case is reviewed in the department, "it will probably be forwarded" to the district attorney's office to determine whether criminal charges should be filed against LaPietra. Police said the victim, Robert Valois, a 30-year-old Vista resident, contacted them about LaPietra and then agreed to wear a hidden microphone. At the meeting, LaPietra allegedly threatened to put Valois in jail if he didn't stop trying to collect child -support payments for his 7-year-old son. Valois has custody of the son. "I was real scared that night," Valois said. "At one point he touched me, like he was looking for a concealed recorder or transmitter. He missed the one I was wearing by only half an inch ... he was extremely threatening." He praised the police for their response. "I want to emphasize the outstanding job the Oceanside Police Department's internal affairs unit did in handling this case, because I was quite worried about being treated fairly what with all that's been in the papers lately about police problems," Valois said. "I'm really grateful." Cops plead no contest to selling data By BILL ROMANO Mercury News Staff Writer Two former San Jose police officers - arrested last summer for selling confidential "rap sheets" and driver information to a private investigator - face three months in Santa Clara County Jail after pleading no contest to felony conspiracy charges Monday. The two men are scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 17 by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Robert Foley. Brian D. Blackford, 34, and Robert W. Brownlee, 29, are currently free on bail. Sheila Jean Klopper, 47- the Mountain View private investigator to whom they illegally furnished data from the police department's computer bank - already has pleaded guilty to a reduced charge, been sentenced to two years' probation and ordered to pay a $300 fine. Brownlee, a patrol officer for two years, and Blackford, an eight -year veteran, were fired after a departmental investigation of the charges. "We hope the prosecution of this case will send a message to those who might otherwise abuse the computer system," Deputy District Attorney James Shore said Monday. "Maybe it will make people think twice. If you had told them (Blackford and Brownlee) that they would lose their jobs over this, they wouldn't have done it." Originally accused of a felony, Klopper pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor after a preliminary hearing during which Municipal Judge Edward J. Nelson- over Shore's objections- granted a motion to lower the charge. Nelson ruled that while Klopper had initially solicited the officers for confidential information, the offenses by Brownlee and Blackford were more serious because they had violated positions of trust for which they should be held to a higher standard. When first approached by Klopper, they could simply have told her "no," said Nelson. (continued) The three were arrested last August after a police probe revealed the two officers had accessed the department's computer system to provide Klopper Investigations of Mountain View with information in connection with criminal and civil cases. Klopper, who paid $25 a copy for the documents, worked for several of San Jose's prominent lawyers. It could never be determined exactly how many records Klopper purchased, but the total exceeded 50 and may have numbered several hundred over a year or more, Shore said. Under state law, police officers are permitted access to criminal background information only for official investigations. In the San Jose Police Department, an officer can retrieve a background report from the Criminal Justice Information System by logging onto a computer. Badge numbers are used to identify the individual seeking the information. Brownlee and Blackford circumvented the procedures meant to identify officers by signing onto the system with either nonexistent badqe numbers or with the badge numbers of other officers, according to Shore. On one occasion, the number 1,000- used by retired Chief Joseph McNamara, was used to bypass security. Daniel Jensen, the attorney for Blackford and Brownlee, said theirs was "one of the saddest cases" he has handled in the years he has been defending cops. "Two fine officers threw over their careers for so little. It cost them so much," he said. Both men went through divorces after their arrests. Abortion foe guilty in leak case Sacramento Bee FULLERTON - A former Anaheim police employee pleaded guilty to charges that she leaked confidential information to activists who used it to find targets for protests against abortion. Lisa Lorraine Villarreal, 26, was sentenced Friday to three years' probation and 200 hours of community service. She admitted taking information on four people from state driving records. Three of the four, including the director and employees of Doctor's Family Planning clinic, were targeted for picketing last winter by a group of Tustin abortion foes. Deputy vs. deputy in stalk suit Woman alleges 15-year harassment By Denny Walsh Bee Staff Writer A long -simmering controversy over an allegation by a female Sacramento County sheriff's deputy that a male sergeant in the department has stalked and terrorized her boiled over Thursday with the filing of a lawsuit in federal court. Susan Yvonne Safholm, who joined the department in 1977 and is now a detective in the metro division, alleges in the suit that Sgt. Robert Ruh was unwilling to accept the termination 15 years ago of their sexual relationship. Since then, the suit claims, Ruh has spied on Safholm and her friends at her home and other locations, threatened some of her male companions, improperly used department resources to obtain information about her and her friends from the Department of Motor Vehicles, and harassed her with letters, telephone calls and computer messages. When she confronted him and demanded that he stop, "Ruh responded by further escalating his conduct to the level of a full- blown stalking," the suit says. The terror tactics Ruh continues to subject her to have been well known in the department for years, but were ignored Safholm alleges. While Ruh was put on paid administrative leave in 1994, no action has been taking against him, and in November of that year, Safholm obtained a restraining order against him in Superior Court. The suit, filed by Sacramento attorney Stewart Katz, names as defendants Ruh, Sacramento County and its supervisors, and Sheriff Glen Craig and his two immediate predecessors, Robbie Waters and Duane Lowe. Waters is now a Sacramento city councilman and Lowe, who headed the State Police until its recent merger with the California Highway Patrol, now runs the new Protective Services Division of the patrol. Safholm is seeking $1 million in compensatory damages and an unspecified amount in punitive damages "to punish defendants and deter others from engaging in similar misconduct." Judge Smith admonished for illegal use of DIVIV records By MARK COOVELIS Staff writer The disciplinary arm of the state judiciary on Monday publicly admonished Cameron Park Municipal Court Judge Thomas A. Smith for abusing his office. Officials with the Commissions on Judicial Performance said Judge Smith broke the law and violated the code of judicial ethics when he used a court computer last year to get Department of Motor Vehicles records for a friend. "Using the power of the bench to benefit a friend is a casebook example of willful misconduct," a Supreme Court document states. The California Vehicle Code provides penalties - a fine of up to $5,000 or up to a year in jail or both and civil penalties of up to $100,000 - for the improper disclosure of DMV records. El Dorado County District Attorney Gary Lacy has asked the California State Attorney General's office to review the case to determine whether it warrants prosecution. Lacy said that his office two years ago prosecuted a dispatcher from the South Lake Tahoe Police Department who accessed the criminal history of a business competitor of her father. Mountain Democrat calls yesterday morning to Smith for comment were not returned at press time yesterday afternoon. The commission found that Judge Smith's act violated three canons of judicial ethics: Canon 2A says "A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary." And Canon 2B says "A judge should not allow family, social, political or other relationships to influence a judge's judicial conduct or judgement." The commission took into consideration that Judge Smith only used the court computer illegally one time and noted that he candidly admitted the violation. The judge recognized that he had "a lapse of good judgement" and "vowed" never to access DMV information for unofficial purposes again, the commission said. The commission, chaired by the Judge William A. Masterson of the Second Court of Appeal in Los Angeles, is composed of six members of the public, three judges and two lawyers. The vote of the commission was 9 yes and 1 no, with one member absent. Note: Judge Smith called the Mountain Democrat late yesterday afternoon and explained that he provided the names of the registered owners of two vehicles to a woman friend who believed she was the victim of a stalker, and worried about the two strange vehicles. He said he knew that registration information was open for public inspection. However, it is illegal to use the court's computer to access the information. Name is same, but innocent man jailed Sacramento Bee Associated Press STOCKTON - A man who called for help after being beaten and robbed instead wound up spending more than two weeks in jail when police arrested him in a case of mistaken identity. Antonio Picazo Mendoza Jr. of Stockton was arrested after being confused with a parolee who used a similar name and the same birth date and Social Security number as Mendoza. On June 30, Mendoza was beaten and robbed while going to a store. He made it home, where his family reported the robbery to police and called paramedics, who took him to a local hospital. There, Stockton police found that his first and last name, date of birth and Social Security number matched that of wanted parolee Antonio Blanco Mendoza. "I told them, 'I'm not that guy,"' Antonio Picazo Mendoza told the Record of Stockton in a story published Wednesday. Despite his protests, he was arrested, kept in jail for three days by the San Joaquin County sheriff's office and imprisoned 14 days at Deuel Vocational Institution before the mistake was realized. An attorney representing Antonio Picazo Mendoza thought the parolee may have been using his client's name, birth date and Social Security number. Sheriff's spokesman Mike Padilla said he was unable to find out how Mendoza was kept in custody despite his insistence that he was the wrong man. Mendoza said he told officers repeatedly they had the wrong man, but he was disregarded. "(The lieutenant) cussed and said, 'We've heard this stuff before,"' he said. But finally on July 16, he said, prison officials summoned him. "They brought me into the office and said, 'We found out everything you've been telling me is true.' And I started crying, was so happy. I called my grandmother and she started crying, too." (continued) "This is a kid who, as far as I know, is as pure as the driven snow, and he winds up in prison for two weeks," said Jim Wilson, an attorney representing Mendoza, who has filed a legal claim against the county and state. Ex-L.A. police officer charged Los Angeles Daily News LOS ANGELES - A former Los Angeles police officer has been charged with passing confidential law -enforcement records to two private investigators - one of them a retired deputy police chief. Prosecutors contend that Walter Ray Bentley Jr., 47, illegally logged onto police, state Department of Justice and Department of Motor Vehicle records on dozens of people, and then sold them from July 17, 1992, to May 21, 1993, officials said Thursday. In one instance, Bentley provided information about a witness in a murder case who had been relocated for his protection, officials said. Bentley, who resigned from the Los Angeles Police Department in March, faces a June 30 arraignment in Los Angeles Municipal Court on 11 felony counts of computer access and fraud. Also charged in separate misdemeanor cases Thursday were Daniel R. Sullivan, 56, of suburban Northridge, a retired LAPD deputy chief who owns Investigative Services Corp., and Thomas Whiteaker, 47, operator of Whiteaker Investigative Services. Sullivan, who retired in 1986 after 25 years with the LAPD, and Whiteaker, face a June 24 arraignment. Officers charged, released By Jaxon Van Derbeken Daily News Staff Writer Two Los Angeles police officers in the North Hollywood Division have been charged with unlawfully using the LAPD's computerized record system, officials said Thursday. Scott Rate, 29, and Marc Pooler, 32, surrendered and entered not guilty pleas during their arraignment Wednesday, said Los Angeles County district attorney spokesman Sandi Gibbons. Rate and Pooler were released on their own recognizance pending a preliminary hearing. They were relieved of duty without pay, pending the outcome of disciplinary hearings, a department spokesman said. Rate was charged with two counts of illegal access to computer information, and Pooler faces three counts of the same charge. Prosecutors and the police declined to say exactly what Rate and Pooler were doing with the information they gleaned from the computer system, which tracks criminal records and personal information about suspects. Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Bill Seki said the officers were retrieving criminal records for personal reasons, which is illegal. "They were not authorized to access these records," Seki said. Police sources said that Rate and Pooler were checking records for friends and relatives. Rate and Pooler are accused of using the computer unlawfully Sept. 11, 1995, and Sept. 12, 1995, when they were desk officers at North Hollywood. Pooler is charged with a third count, involving entrance to the computer system between July 15, 1995, and Dec. 29, 1995. m il!W!UA ML THANK YO U