SOP-24 Parking at Main StationPolice Services Division SOP-24 Issued: 8/26/2019 Revised: 6/8/2023 SUBJECT: Parking at Main Station (500 City Center Drive) _____________________________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE: To establish a procedure for the orderly parking of employees and visitors at the Main Public Safety Building. Attached is a diagram showing assigned parking in the secured parking lots (Lots A and B) and the employee / visitor lot (Lot C). Personnel are to park only in the designated spaces. Department vehicles have priority in secured lots A and B at all times. The Director of Public Safety or designee may authorize a modification of this SOP depending on circumstances. A. General 1. Department vehicles are to be parked in designated spaces in Lot A (see diagram) based on assignment, or in open available parking spots in Lot B. Department vehicles shall be backed into parking spaces for ease of maintenance issues. 2. Employees may not park their personal vehicles in Lot A or B, only in Lot C. The only exceptions are during special events (see below) and when an employee has an assigned spot in Lot A and a take home vehicle. These employees may park their personal car in their assigned spot if they come to main station in a personal car rather than their Department vehicle. B. Special Events 1. When there is a public event going on in the Plaza, parking in Lot C or the library may not be feasible. During such events, employees arriving at work may park in the back lot. Employees who have an assigned vehicle should replace their Department vehicle with their personal car. Employees without an assigned vehicle should park in the Command Staff spaces along the fence or in front of the CONEX boxes first, and then in Detectives spaces if these Command Staff spots are not available. C. 20-Minute Parking Zone (Green Curb) in Front of Main Station The 20-minute parking zone (green curb) in front of the main station is intended for customer and visitor parking. D. Red Zones Including Around Island Officers shall not park personal or Department vehicles in any red zone or around the island in Lot A. E. Parking Off-Duty When officers go off duty they shall park their department vehicles in Lot B.